Blacksmith Apprentice

'I need to inject my mana into an item first before the system could generate its description. It means my mana also works as a scanner. So that's why the system could only show my own status before I Awakened.'

Jack feels enlightened. One by one, the questions he had about the system started to find their answer.

"I think I need to adjust my schedule for today. I want to visit Tarud first to test my hypothesis."

After sorting his thoughts, Jack took a bath, spent 5 bronze coins for breakfast before running toward the adventurer guild headquarters shopping area.

In front of the Dragon Hammer Store, he saw Tarud with his big body sitting leisurely on a rocking chair while smoking on his favorite wooden pipe. Once in a while, brownish-white smoke would come out from the corners of his mouth, filling the air with tobacco scent.

When he heard the sound of approaching footsteps, Tarud twisted his neck before the corner of his mouth raised.

"Ho ho… Good morning Jack. What can I do for you today?

"If it's about the bag that you ordered yesterday, we still need a couple of days to complete it because of other commissions. But my leather craftsman looked so excited when he saw the new bag design. I think he will be unable to hold back from finishing your order first. Hahaha."

Jack shook his head. "No, I come to talk about a business idea, and… maybe I need a little favor from you after that. If you don't mind, of course."

He was hesitant because the paper-making idea was still stuck at the initial planning stage. But asking a favor from Tarud without giving something in return would be impolite. After all, they just met yesterday.

"Don't be shy. We are already a business partner, remember? Besides, I want you to join my workshop so just tell me what you need. We can talk about the business later.

"Come on inside." Tarud invited Jack into the shop as he spoke.

After taking a wooden chair and sitting beside Tarud, Jack answered. "It's okay. I want to talk about the business first. It's still a rough idea, but I think we could get a lot of money from this if the plan works out."

"Hmm… It's a serious matter, isn't it? Let's talk about it in my office. Wait a sec, I will find someone to replace me to look after the shop."

Before Tarud could get up from his chair, a young man with similar height and age to Jack came out from the store back door. His short but wavy brown hair, light brown skin, and visage remind Jack of the people from Toria Village.

He was carrying a beautiful steel sword with an ordinary handle with small but muscular hands. His sparkling eyes looked at Tarud with anticipation.

While giving the sword to Tarud, he excitedly said. "Master! Master! Please look at the new sword that I made. This time I am confident that it will meet your criteria. See… I am ready to learn your secret technique."

Tarud received the sword before examining it with a solemn expression. After a while, he took a deep breath before handing the weapon over to Jack and asking. "What do you think?"

Jack pretends to analyze the sword, just like Tarud. Adding a few taps on its blade with the metal part of his gauntlet before swinging it a few times. But actually, he was just buying time for his mana to fully cover the sword.

"The outer appearance is very nice and well made for a steel sword, and the weight is perfect. But, the balance is rather poor because the steel density on its blade is uneven."

Tarud nodded in delight because his assessment of Jack is correct. 'This young man's perception is indeed amazing. He is not a blacksmith, but he could notice the sword flaw with just a few tests.'

What he didn't know, Jack was just reading the description of the sword in his equipment window.

One-handed Steel Sword

Steel sword made by ??? The outer appearance and weight are perfect. But the balance is questionable because of the unequal density of the steel in the blade area.

'So ??? means that I didn't know about the information yet. Turns out the system has this kind of limitation.' Jack thought. The system is born from his mana, not omnipotent or even all-knowing. When the person grows, the system also grows with him.

"This is Kyle Winkinston, my apprentice." Tarud is pointing his hand at the man beside him. Kyle responds by extending his right hand.

Jack grabbed it before introducing himself. "Jack Walker. Are you perhaps the son of Joran Winkinston from Toria?"

Kyle was taken aback and spaced out for a few seconds before finally remembering something. "Ah?! You are Jack that my father was talking about. Yes, I am Joran's son. Thank you for saving my old man, Jack."

"Cool. I just happened to be around when the monster is attacking your father. Besides, Joran treated me so well after that, and he also tells me so much about this world.

"I lost my memory in the Shadowless Forest, so it was a huge help."

"Still. I am very thankful for your help. If you need my assistance in the future, don't hesitate to ask, Jack."

After that, Kyle turned his gaze towards his mentor, hoping he would provide an explanation for Jack's evaluation of his sword.

"Jack is right. You are too worried about its outer appearance that fails to remember the most basic rule of forging a weapon. Its balance."

Kyle looked disappointed. He scrutinized the sword he had painstakingly crafted with dispirited eyes before sighed. A moment later, he could feel Tarud's big hand on his left shoulder, followed by his mentor's deep voice.

"Don't rush it, kid. Patience and persistence is the key to become a great blacksmith. It hasn't been a year since you started learning about metalwork. Trust me, you did great.

"I need to discuss something with Jack, so look after the store in my stead."

Hearing his mentor's praise, Kyle found his spirit again. "Okay, Boss."