Mana Control

"In short, magic circle is like a program, ahem... I mean a... tool that converts our mana into magical energy then constructs them into a spell. By harnessing energy inside the mana itself, a magic circle could generate a powerful combination of natural power that could be used freely by us humans.

"Magic circle divided into three parts. The canter part, middle pa"In short, the magic circle is like a program, ahem... I mean a... tool that converts our mana into magical energy then constructs them into a spell.

"By harnessing mana energy, a magic circle could produce a powerful combination of natural elements that can be used freely by humans.

"A magic circle is written with strange symbols and divided into three parts, the canter part, middle part, and outer part.

"The center part contains an input sequence that controls the amount of mana injected into the magic circle.

"The middle part's sequence then converts mana energy into natural elements such as fire, wind, earth or imbues the mana itself with those elemental power to strengthen its force.

"Those powers are then composed into a spell by the sequence of the outer parts to create an actual magic."

After Jack finished explaining his understanding of magic circles, old man Izack was looking at him with a blank expression. Not even a praise or rebuttal comes from his mouth.

In fact, he is doing absolutely nothing. Not even a sound of breathing could be heard as if the man had turned into a statue.

It is understandable because the answer perfectly matched his understanding of magic circles. But that level of comprehension is obtained from constant hard work and persistence that last for a few decades. Yet Jack could comprehend it in one night.

The reason is simple. Because Jack could read the Javanese alphabet and understand the underlying principle behind the magic circle. Besides, he has a lot of magic theory from Earth as a reference.

Shock, astonishment, confusion, disbelief, bewilderment, doubt, joy. Almost every emotion mingled together inside Izack's being as if all colors are mixed into one and turn everything into black, empty.

Izack's mind stops operating for a few moments because of that. Suddenly, a big smile blooms on his face.

Izack thought, 'I was right. Jack is unique and blessed by the gods of magic. His talent in arcane art is truly astonishing, even exceeding my wildest expectation. Choosing him as a disciple is the best choice I have ever made in my life.'

Before saying while raising both of his thumbs, "Good. Very good."

"But what is the most important thing a wizard should have?" Asked Izack, half teasing while raising one of his white eyebrows.

Jack didn't answer it right away and asked the question again to himself inside his mind.

'Hmm… What is the most important for a wizard? Magic power? Mana? Talent? No… The old man is wiser than that. A superficial answer like that won't satisfy him.

'...I need a more profound answer.'

"Erm… Attitude? A great wizard needs a good attitude. Mmm... Maybe a good teacher or... is it control?"

Old man Izack sneered. "I said the most important thing."

"Well, Attitude then." Said Jack, not really sure himself.

"Wrong!" Izack disagreed before continuing after a few seconds of silence. "Control!"

"A wizard who could freely control his mana will be able to control his spell better. And controlling his own spell is a wizard lifeline. Remember that. So today's subject will be 'how to control our own mana'."

Izack Newtown stretched out his hand and extended his mana to cover all empty plates on the table before stacking them by size.

Jack was whistling when this happened because the plates were flying like it was genuinely alive. Of course, he could see what was really happening with mana vision. But this magical phenomenon never ceases to amaze him no matter how much he saw it.

"This is how we control mana. With the help from the mana itself, we could lift our bodies or manipulate small weapons to a certain extent. Unfortunately, the force is not strong enough to attack an enemy directly.

"The application of this technique has infinite possibilities. An experienced adventurer could utilize this trick to increase their attack, defense, and moving pattern. They can even create their own fighting style.

"For example. The elves used this technique to jump between trees and perform an acrobatic move that is usually impossible. That's why the elves are nearly invincible when they fight in a dense forest.

"Other than that, we also could create a unique technique by controlling mana. Your combat master belongs to this category."

"Nardar Ironsong?" Jack raised his eyebrows.

"Haha… Yes. By using this technique in a certain way, we could further strengthen our body or enhance our reflex. Usually, this kind of technique is only taught to a direct descendant of a renowned martial arts family.

"But don't worry, you still have a chance. As far as I know, the Ironsong family didn't have a successor. After the Arkadia kingdom perished, the Ironsong family was severely pressured by the Avantheim kingdom because they were loyal to the Arkadian.

"Today, there weren't more than ten members left from the great Ironsong family. Hiding behind a new identity or someone strong enough to make the Avantheim kingdom back off. Like Nardar.

"He is a good guy. If you were persistent enough, I am sure that he will teach you the Ironsong secret technique."

A gloomy atmosphere filled the whole room as if the joyous moments before were never there.

Nardar's life story is not the worst, just one of those prevalent stories in the world where war is still a culture. In this world, power, honor, and wealth are more valuable than someone's life.

Looking back, he now understands where the sad and lonely feeling that he saw in Nardar's eyes come from. Turns out his circumstances are much worse than him back then.

None of them spoke for about five minutes until Jack decided to ask something.

"Then, how do wizards make use of this technique?"

Izack smiled before answering, "Good question."

He stands and instructs Jack to follow him to the training area while explaining the reason.

"You know that our control over a spell will be gone once it is disconnected from your mana central, do you?

"To be able to maintain those controls, we need to keep the connection with the spell even with just a tiny mana thread. The thinner, the better. Especially when fighting an opponent that has mana vision skill.

"If we could master the art of controlling our mana, our combat capability will skyrocket like having another set of limbs. Mastering it needs a lot of time, effort, talent, and you have all that. That's why I want you to practice this technique as soon as possible."