This is a Rough Day...

"Thomas Alistair, Never thought I'd see you here"

"Hello Bill, What's an asshat like you doin' here?"

"You hit my route, That was my truck you raided!

You and your little friend are out of your depth!"

"To be honest your supply route is fairly easy to raid."

"Ha... Never thought Id see the day, Any last words? Sheriff?"

You're probably wondering... How this happened

Probably thinking that there was some awesome moment... No, not all the time... On occasion there would be but this? This is a walk in the park, how it happened, well...

July 5, 2176: New York, United States

Lets set the scene... I remember a quaint feeling, pure calm. It was quiet, the wind blew a nice cool breeze. I walk down a few flights to be greeted by a very kind neighbor who made me my favorite banana bread

"Good morning Tom! How are you today my dear?"

"Good morning Sylvie Its nice to see you. It seems you haven't aged a day at all"

"Oh spare me, Off to work again?"

"Im always off to work Sylvie you know that. You take your meds yet?"

"Of course Tom, Now here take this and skidaddle"

"Thanks a lot, well Im off see you again!"

I left in such a hurry then...

I arrived at the office to get to my corner of sadness

I caught a glimpse of someone looking over the partition and I see...

"What do you want Harry?"

"That banana bread?"

"Oh you want some? Id be more than happy to share."

"Yes please!"

Just as I was about to break off a piece

Harry was called into the world where no one came out happy... The Boss' Chambers


"Jesus Harry, what did you do this time?"

"I dont know, everything was fine when i got here"

"Well best of luck with whatever that is"

As Harry walked in I decided to finish up early,

A few hours go by and I'm almost done, then Harry walks out.

"How'd it go buddy?"

"Well I got fired... Nothing better than that."

"What? Why'd they fire you?

"They needed to cut some people off."

"Oh... Im sorry bout that"

"Hey cheer up! Im the one whose leaving, besides I got a few stuff up my sleeves to help me out for a while."

"Ok... Well I guess this is goodbye then Harry."

"Goodbye, we'll meet again you know"

" Of course we will"

What a big day I thought, banana bread from my neighbor, Harry gets fired. I thought, "What else?"

I probably shouldn't have asked that...

A man in the street "Look up!"

On my way home a whole crowd just started looking up

Until suddenly the sky went black and the city went dark... I ran to get a clear view of what was happening so I ran to the harbor and...

"What the hell is that..."

On that day something changed... And no one knew what to do

5 years later... /January 13, 2181: North of the Wastelands...

"Well? Tom? Any last words?"

"I think you've waited long enough!"

In the distance...

"I'll be damned all right, Fire!"

Gunshots start firing from the rear, Tom seizes the opportunity to get out of there while his friends covered him

"I want his ass back alive! Whoa! . . . but maybe another time... Retreat!"

That was all they could do and all that he could say was

"This isn't over Alistair!"

"You took your time... I could have died you know."

"It was entertaining, what'd you want me to do?"

"Ari, When I tell you the plan stick to it. That was way to close."

"Yeah Yeah... So did you get it?"

"Yup, this thing better be worth it"

A Couple of days prior...