
He is laughing as Johnny has him dressed as an ancient warrior. He thinks he is wearing a skirt yet most of the class seems to be really into it as he shrugs. Holding a pose for nearly two hours is a task but he is treating this as physical training, which doesn't go unnoticed by the artists. Cory comes up partway through the class and holds a drink up with the straw towards Dante as he nods. "Here man, have a drink as I think none here want to see you collapse."

Dante nods smiling to him as he gets a drink before Cory moves sitting down. Looking across those he can see he wonders and looks over to Johnny. "Hey Teach, perhaps next time I could let them pick the pose?" Johnny doesn't get a chance to respond as the rest are excited and asking if they can before he waves his hands and nods "Thanks as I feel this pose is nice but for the most part, I just look like I am walking."

Xin smiles as she holds out his clothes after he has cleaned up and now changing. Most of the class now stays back to chat with him after the first week. He would change anywhere but Xin refuses to let him change where others can see, so now keeps him safe her own way. "I think your idea is nice but you have no idea what these girls might make you do Dante."

Dante smiles stepping out as a few are calling out ideas and looks to them waving before Xin. "Honestly the girls will be flirty but I'm more worried about what the guys were request I do myself." she looks up before she starts to laugh as he nods "Yep, but have to accept the good with the bad at times."

Everyone is silent in the class as a person in front of them all is known as a successful Patroller. Looking over them all they shake their head and look to Carter. "You took this lot out past the law? Were you actually trying to kill them or did you hope for a miracle or for one of us to be nearby?"

Carter grits his teeth as he wasn't who suggested this and as he looks to them a student speaks up. "Sir, if you feel we are so bad why don't you face one of our best students and see how we fair in a real fight?" everyone looks to Malcolm curiously as Dante looks over and can already tell where this is going as Malcolm motions "We had volunteers go out feeling it wasn't too much of an issue, so they must be worthy right?"

He glares at these little upstarts and goes to snap out as Dante steps forward in front of everyone. "They came with me so before you go infantile and shout at everyone, we can just fight as that little punkass is trying to get us to fight anyways." Dante rolls his shoulders and walks up into the arena area "I will fight you, you will drop this here, and we can continue class afterwards. If you feel the need to go further, I say take it up with Malcolm next. His poor leadership of his group is why someone was lost."

Everyone in the room from student, to teacher, to guest instructor fall silent as Dante just aired out a whole truck of dirty laundry without even a facial reaction. He nods his head as a leader should be willing to be in the front. This kid who spoke up was apparently the leader. He is taking responsibility but at the same time, he doesn't accept blame that isn't his fault. He nods and smiles liking this kid. "Name is Talon, what is yours kid?"

Dante nods smiling as he equips his battle suit. "Dante, it's nice to meet you Talon. Perhaps someday we might work together but until then, don't mind me seeing you as an obstacle to overcome."

Talon laughs as he doesn't equip his gear as the levels are so different, no matter how skilled this kid is he couldn't hurt him. "Okay and we shall see where you stand. Now come at me and try to land a hit." He smiles is Dante comes in and sends a straight job as he sways slightly and looks to the cross coming in as he decides to take the hit, to show the difference between them.

Dante can see his dodge and catches his eyes flicker to his other fist for a moment before looking to him as his blood boils. Yeah Dante does this too but it still pisses you off for someone to do it back. Dante shifts his body at the last moment and drags his swing down so instead of the jaw his knuckles slam downward into the soft tissues of the neck. As his fist and arm twist he snaps his body around trying to take the man down.

He sees the look in his eyes and gets a smile as he calms bracing his body for the shot. He aims to make sure he moves as little as possible, if any at all. Suddenly his body jerks downward as his eyes open some as this little bastard shifted his strike at the last possible moment. Unable to break his stance quickly he braces for it.

Knuckles catch soft tissues and as the claws dig in from his suit the twist rips open Talon's neck as blood sprays over his arm and fist. Dante throws his all into this swing and knows he will likely bust his hand on the floor but if he only gets one shot in, he will make it count! Feeling his side cave inward he knows a knee just connected and while he was punching he never saw them move.

He slams his knee up into Dante as hard as he can but with his stance and loss of balance from the unorthodox hit he just took, he couldn't even put a third of the strength behind it. He feels that oh so satisfactory snap twice as he smiles knowing he busted two ribs in that counter. As he catches himself he sees Dante going sideways and after a moment realizes, he just saved the kid's fist from slamming into the floor. Smiling as blood runs down his neck he nods his head. This kid is going to go far if he learns to fight better.

Dante hits and shoves as his body rolls over with his arms down so he lands crouched as his tail sways behind him to keeping him fully balanced. Talon notices it and nods his head. Dante can tell in an instant he knows the use of his helper and launches forward trying to take him down before he destroys him for that first hit.

He can dodge most of the swings but as he jumps up the tail swings harshly to one side as he sees the kid swing one leg back oddly and with him in the air he feels dread. He was now at the mercy of an adversary that appears to enjoy airborne targets, but is he actually defenseless?

Dante swings his leg out as hard and fast as he can, not wasting this gift. As his leg nearly gets there he sees the man smile before his eyes open some seeing his body turn gray as he equips his suit. His shin connects with his arm as the bone snaps like a dried twig followed by the ripping of meat and a hand grabs his ankle as a foot connects upside his head then blackness.

His eyes snap open as he hits the ground and as the man goes to speak Dante uses his hands to brace as he sends a shot. This time his left heel connects with the man's stomach sending him backward to hit the ground and roll. Dante moves and pulls his right leg under him using his arms and left leg has brace points.

Talon coughs out some blood as he looks over seeing Dante was still awake after that shot. He smiles since because he took his suit down, he felt that shot fully and that little bastard can kick. Without a good brace he could still do damage so what was the power of that first one? He watches him but unlike others he his face, this right now is more dangerous as Dante was wounded but not backing down.

Onya shudders as a few look to her not sure if she is okay or about to have a mental breakdown watching the fight. However she is far from bad off, just her outfit was suffering as she is watching. Dante forced him to use his suit and he wasn't holding back. That kick might have killed someone. He nearly killed someone! Her eyes nearly glisten in pleasure as she watches waiting to see what is next as even Talon is slow to make a move.

Carter had told Talon to watch out if he faced Dante's kicks and despite the injury Dante suffered he is thankful the man listened to him. Dante's kicks shouldn't be allowed but as one can't handicap another in these fights, he can't prevent Dante from using them. However he is very thankful this arrogant prick wasn't injured here.

Talon watches a few moments and goes to stand up as suddenly Dante moves. He uses his hands and it looks more like one of the old martial arts as his body is moving while his hands control the ground his left leg snaps out at Talon's head. Ducking it he suddenly sees Dante snap his body around as his entire frame twist as an uppercut slams into his chin with all the momentum he built up. The bones and Dante's fist and his jaw crunch as the sound is all most can hear before the loud thud of Dante slamming off the ground once then a second time as Talon sends a fist into his stomach, dribbling him where he landed.

The room is silent as Talon is now in full suit and looks like a metal clad machine more than a human. Dante's suit has the entire torso ripped open as his body is laid out on the ground. Looking over he nods to Carter and a compartment opens on his hip as he takes out a vial with a bright blue fluid in it, as most in the room gasp.

Carter nods as that was a healing formula but most use them in emergencies. While they know about it the cost was rather high and he was using it now on Dante's injuries. That color denotes a mid-grade solution and while most call them potions, the truth of the matter is they are far more than some mixed together plants.

Dante opens his eyes seeing Dal next to the bed. He goes to speak as she looks over and smiles patting his side. "We are in the city proper and none of the students could accompany you, so I volunteered." he nods and smiles softly as she laughs and motions "So I was informed to tell you that you passed and he trusts you to lead others out, but no more than three."