Dante is feeling weak after a few days of plants and berries. It isn't that he can't survive on just plants as most people rarely if ever eat meat inside the cities. The issue is a couple times now he ate the wrong ones and got sick. Add in the injuries from a Tunnel Mouse he came across plus the lack of sleep having drawn the attention of some spiders, he is in a bad way.
He coughs seeing blood on his hand and grits his teeth. He brings his arms up as he jumps so the strike throws him backwards not trying to take the hip properly. He flies through the forest hitting small branches and stops with a collision against a tree he screams out as blood founts out of his mouth.
Looking forward as he stays against the tree his eyes shift from focus to cloudy as he can see the boar now charging towards him. With no weapons or gear these animals are just too much. At the last moment he dives sideways as the boar rips the tree apart and Dante staggers before he kicks at the neck and hitting solid he nearly feels good as the boar looks at him like it hadn't noticed the kick.
Looking to him he gets pissed as food shouldn't move it should just be chewed! He turns as it wobbles around and snorts knowing he has won. It bends over as he closes in with his mouth wide open ready to eat it nearly in one bite. After I eat this thing I should look for that carrion and I smelled yesterday.
Dante has one of the larger branches in his hand and as it charges with its mouth open Dante rams the branch down the throat. He places another pointed upward and when the mouth slams shut the boar gags as blood starts to gush from the mouth and Dante falls back against the rock. He laughs and shouts out. "I won't die alone you bacon bastard!"
As the rock he is leaning against suddenly starts moved Dante feels his blood freeze as he looks over and sees it as a bear. Looking between the corpse and the bear he smiles and waves as he starts to move around hoping it will accept the offering and not eat him. Looking over as the thing that woke it up is now fleeing the bear looks to the corpse and moves eating it.
It has been two weeks now and Dante laughs a little as he looks so thin it amazes him he can still run from everything that chases him every day. He really feels all of nature is hardwired to hate humans but knowing the past you can't find fault with that. Just really sucks as he is presently enemy number one in the world and is all along. He throws some small rocks in the water for a few minutes to make sure nothing is nearby before he slowly closes in.
He is moving now as he is hungry and it has been a few weeks so time has come for a new meal. He lifts his head as he looks over some trees and sees a nesting bird in the distance he then lowers his head not wanting the issues of eggs today. Finding the scent of some bears his tongue flicks out as he smiles and starts slithering forward.
Dante screams out as he snaps a small tree apart and hits into a hard stone. He has blood running from he feels everywhere and curses his luck finding a bear as he was trying to bathe. He pushes forward and looks over as his eyes widen as he is looking to a snake so big he doesn't know where it ends. Looking back he sees the bear has busted ass away and sighs looking to the snake. He sways some but shifts and gets ready for a fight. "Well come on, you wish to eat me. I will at least make you burn some calories."
He stops and looks to this scrawny thing and lifts his head some looking down at it and finds the entire thing funny. One of those vile little things is out here and all busted up. He watches it and notices that if he hisses hard he could knock it over however it is facing him like it could take him out. The sight is rather amusing and as he watches the blood running down its body he thinks and notices something as he lowers his head.
Dante is breathing heavy but suddenly he Just smiles as he thinks of how funny it would be to die to an animal naked as the day he was born. Dante laughs some and shakes his head as he has various comments going through his mind. As the snake now is moving closer he laughs a bit and lowers his arms just facing it. "Well come on. I can't kill you so at least make it quick."
He hears the sounds it makes but the sounds are not harsh and carry a bit of a jovial sound to it? This one was indeed strange and maybe there was something wrong with it. As he moves quickly to scare it instead it falls against him as he sees the eyes glazed over since it has passed out and now has it on his face. "Well this is annoying, get off." Shaking his head he sees it wakes up as it hits the ground and nods a little impressed.
Dante remembers a big snake and now the ground is rushing at his face. He hits the ground and groans as he moves than looks around seeing the large snake he smiles as he fights to stand up once more. The two are now facing each other as Dante's stomach growls and the snake smiles some at the sound. He moves pulling his tail around and bites the tip off he leans forward and holds the end out with his tongue.
Dante seeing this takes the meat as he looks to it a few tears fall before he looks up and after a moment he lifts his arm and rips a chunk out. He holds it out as the snake watches him. He moves his tongue out and takes the offering but until he takes the nibble into his mouth is scrawny thing doesn't eat. Once he does however he watches as it eats the meat, it even rips and tears at the skin, his eyes widen as this little thing ripped it down to scales and eats everything without hesitation.
Dante feels better than he has for a while however with everything that has happened this time when he falls, his body can't force itself awake. Dante doesn't notice he lands against the snake or the fact it picks him up and slithers off. "I think one of my kids will enjoy this pet. Think she ate the bear she was keeping so might enjoy this very odd thing."
She looks to it and looks to her father. "What can I do with that it is so scrawny when I get bored it isn't even a meal?" as he hisses softly she looks to it and looks over "You take it to the nest and leave it with the new generation and if they eat it so be it."
Dante feels very strange and his stomach hurts so damn bad. It feels like he ate metal or something and the pains are immense. However pain means he is alive and if he is alive he still has a chance. Opening his eyes and looking around all thoughts of chances fade away like a fart in the wind.
He is watching over it from a distance out as his mate is next to him now. "Why are you curious over that thing my mate?"
He speaks without moving his eyes and nods. "That little thing showed no fear facing me alone while injured." he hisses some to her comment about too scared as he shakes his head "I offered it the tip of my tail and the reaction from it was to rip a hunk of it off and offer it to me before it would eat."
She moves and looks more to it and ponders now herself. "There isn't all that much there. His entire body is not even a bite so why do that?"
He nods his head as he smiles. "I wonder that myself so brought him home but she didn't want the pet and tossed him into the nest." he watches seeing them crawling all over it and each other "So what happens next I wonder?"
Dante can tell most of them are smaller but that doesn't help when he guesses there must be hundreds or thousands of them. Looking he can see how the venomous species are rarer which makes him feel a little better. As he moves they slither around his body and a few hiss at him so he keeps his actions calm and not aggressive. "Sorry to bother you since you make a great blanket however I need to get up."
Lifting her head to a strange sound she looks over and sees the warm thing they had been sleeping on and around since yesterday is now moving so she crawls that way. Looking over when some of the older siblings call out various things. Since they are far larger than the rest of them she keeps herself low hiding amongst the others as she works until she looks up to him. "He smells good."
Dante is looking around and really needs to take a monster piss but terrified of provoking the world of snakes he finds himself in. "Okay serious everyone I really need to get up so please let me move okay?" he moves and tries to put his hand down but sighs as he doesn't and is looking around for free spaces but finds none as he can't even brace to stand up "Alright everyone I really am begging here so please, can we let the poor guy go take a piss?"
He keeps moving his hands around and this time she moves and wraps around his arm as she starts to crawl up. He looks to her and instead of freaking out he stops as she is a solid black with vibrant emerald markings and a glowing green tongue. As she moves up and stops she moves lifting her head to be before his face. He smiles some and suddenly she feels something running down her body as she closes her eyes.
He looks around and slides his free hand down and under the bodies until on the stones and pushes as he slowly stands careful of the snakes as he looks around and seeing an opening he is trying to move that way. Seeing his actions she figures it out and turns looking to everyone. "Everyone move so he can move." as they look up to her she hisses a bit as they now move as he looks to her like she is a goddess and moves forward making sure not to upset any of them "Now why did he do this?" Dante sighs before groaning out as he finally can release the pressure.