
He looks up to her as his face is flushed and she smiles blushing softly. "I hope you don't mind Dante but how long do you think you could tease me before I gave?" he swallows as he can only nod as she smiles down to him "I am not doing this for any reason besides a man and a woman."

Dante blinks and smiles softly as he reaches up taking a hand in his hand. "I know you are not like others. You might have viewed me that way before but not anymore." she smiles and pulls it to her chest with a softer smile "Would you be okay with someone like me though?"

Edna shakes her head and laughs. "Dante, shut up." his mouth shuts as she smiles "For now, we will be friends and if things happen so be it." she leans up as she moves and sits next to him resting their hands in her lap "Plus if a girl is kissing you don't ask if you are good enough." she puts a finger to his lips "You will piss her off at best and hurt her at worse."

Dante nods and smiles softly as Sava comes over and sits next to them as he rubs her head. "I am sorry Edna. I am still bothered by a few parts of my past." he shakes his head and smiles again as he opens his eyes looking to her "I won't make mistakes like that again, thank you."

Sava leans forward and pushes on his back sending him closer as she feels like biting him for not going for this one. "Just how many mates does Alpha have? He is such a powerful one to have more than one." Dante's eyes open wide as Edna looks to him curiously "Now hurry up before I do bite you."

Dante looks over and puts a hand on her head. "We can't here but perhaps somewhere else but thanks for the confidence Sava." she barks twice and wags her tail before she goes climbing up on the other couch to lay down as he looks to Edna while blushing some "She uh, supports us as a couple."

Edna can't help but laugh some as she smiles and nods her head. "I knew I liked her for a reason." Dante says her fur as Edna blushes a little "More than just that you stud." as the two laugh she leans over and smiles some just resting with his arm around her "Honestly I have been lying about a relationship with you to my mother for so long. I honestly was trying to keep it just business but you made it too hard."

Dante thinks of that kiss and nearly comments before he stops. "To be honest Edna you are where you are with me by no one else but your own effort." she looks up and smiles as she rests back against his shoulder "Even if we did nothing but this. My night would be amazing."

She laughs smiling a little to herself before she moves and gets up. "Well tonight will you join me at my home or head off?" as he says join her she smiles softly and taps her watch "Ally I will be heading home early today so finish up anything you want and take the evening off."

Ally looks to her watch and smiles some as she looks to the vials. "I wonder what the difference will be?" she takes it and hands it to them as they get started nearly before she can speak which causes her to shakes her head "Do up a report on everything you can find and send it to me by tomorrow if you are able or at least give an update by then."

Dante had to hide Sava as they left since her small car wouldn't have fit the three of them. He finds his thoughts wondering if anyone besides Ally has sat in this seat. She looks over and can see him lost in thought then smiles a little as she watches the views of the city. "Tell me Dante, which is more beautiful?" as he looks to her she motions "The cityscape or the wilderness?"

He looks up then around and after nearly three minutes he sighs looking to her. "I would love to show you the world beyond the walls the way I have seen." she looks to him and after a moment nods "If, and I am being serious here. If you can keep me safe, I will go outside with you."

Dante looks to her and knows how scared she must be of such a thing so leans over pulling her into a hug as he smiles softly. "I can assure you if something happened to threaten you, this world will tremble in fear of what happened next." she looks up to him as he smiles and his eyes flicker in a passing light "Nothing will harm those I hold dear again."

Edna blinks then nods before she moves and sits up straight again as she thinks. "I will have to get a battle suit then." she looks over "Think you could design it for me?"

Dante looks to her and smiles as he nods. "I will ask the art classes that do up all of our designs for some input and they will pool together and design you a masterpiece." he smiles "Erica is also in one of the classes so you can rest assured it will get full effort."

Edna laughs as she smiles and looks forward. "Dante, you know the media at times says you are not human right?" as he says it has been for a time now as she sighs "We did your test in private between just Ally and I." he looks to her as she sighs "Your genetic code is human but you have extra links."

Dante thinks for a few moments and looks to her confused. "Sorry but I'm not sure what you are meaning Edna."

Edna shakes her head and laughs a little as she looks to him. "Neither are we Dante." he blinks as she puts a hand on his forearm "She noticed and went back to a previous record of your genetics from when you were a kid." he nods knowing she means the genetic testing those without tailored genes are required to take "Your code is different now."

He sits for a few seconds and laughs as he looks to her with a smile. "I am okay with that." as she looks to him he lifts and kisses her hand "If it lets me see your real smile and protect my friends then I am more than fine with it."

She smiles and shakes her head. "Damned flirt." he laughs as she smiles more and looks forward "Best we can guess, something happened and your genes either triggered to adjust or assimilate others." she looks over "Honestly that seems a to unlikely to both of us. We are thinking that maybe your genes are naturally this way and it just happened somehow."

He thinks and nods. "I was told I nearly died to poisoned berries and Cora used her venom to break down the poisons in me so maybe that was it?"

She looks over and laughs as they fly into the open doorway as it closes behind the car. "Dante, you would be dead if her venom affected your genetic code." he shrugs as she smiles "As it stands we are not going to do a public test so don't do any either."

They step out as she looks over as he smiles and Sava bounds around looking at everything. "If I am forced to take a test it will work out because of the lost tech stuff." she looks to him and nods before watching her with a smile "So where is this bath so you can snuggle her more?"

She laughs and shakes her head as she leads the way. "All the men chasing after me trying to get my hand or bed and who finds themselves in my home?" he laughs as she smiles "A damn stud with his puppy." he grins and nods as she shakes her head "Not that I can complain, I invited you finally."

Dante thinks and steps up behind her wrapping his arms around her sides. "Edna I wish to say something now without anything else okay?" she looks over her shoulder nodding as her heart skips a beat and speeds up "No matter what happens, I will be there for you. In a relationship or not so please call on me and I will come rushing even if I ride upon one of my companions."

She leans back against him as she closes her eyes and smiles while she holds his arms. "Stop being so good to me otherwise I won't be able to go to work." he smiles asking does she have to as she laughs "Such a damn tease."

He laughs some and kisses her neck as she steps forward. "If you want I can give you some time to deal with her. I will join you afterwards or do you wish to make this a group event?"

She pauses and looks over before she shakes her head. "I like your natural scent so don't think it would be as nice to rest in your arms if you smelled like I do." she laughs and waves "The house is yours for now just don't burn it down."

He puts a hand on Sava and smiles. "Go with her. She will wash you up and make you so soft everyone will pet you extra." Sava wags her tail happily while she follows as he looks around and nods "Now where is the kitchen, she has one right?"

He spends nearly an hour working in the kitchen and can't help but smile to the sounds of laughing and happy sounding barks from the bathroom as he prepares food with Tora and Cora in the kitchen. They get updated and now understand how things are plus both are shocked as well as impressed he tamed one of those savage dirty tasty animals.

When she comes out in a robe he smiles putting stuff into the heaters and sets it on low as he follows her into the bathroom. He hasn't been so relaxed since before the start of this year as he rests in the giant bed. She loved dinner after their bath and after loving Sava until she passed out the two relaxed with each other. She is sleeping with her head and arm on his chest as he looks up and does wonder. Just what is so strange about his genetic code that allows him to sync up with animals?

Sava lifts her head in the morning and makes a little bark as she nods as he is a great Alpha.