Academy 54

She is looking around and nearly screams in joy as she sees him showing up. After the press conference the gate hasn't been swarmed again. She finds herself with her friend who feels out of place. Being nearly seven foot tall as a girl isn't flattering as most guys treat her as either freakish or a guy.

Dante is last to arrive as he is laughing with a few others laughing about the tests yesterday. He now has four rank ones and two rank twos in his team. As he sees her he smiles waving then blinks seeing her friend and can't help but think delicious. He catches his mind and feels he needs to calm his predator side down, majorly. He waves to the rest as they head in and walks over to them. "So have I been blessed by two Queens this time?"

Cassandra laughs and shakes her head. "Oh be nice, she is shy." she looks up as her friend blushes some and nods her head "I watched your conference and just wanted to say you are incredible my God." Dante smiles some as she still hasn't dropped that "Oh yeah, would you like to join us for lunch today?"

Dante thinks and smiles nodding. "Sounds like fun Cassandra and my sweet silent beauty. Please, you can call me Dante if you would like."

She is now looking around before looking to him as he blinks a few times. "Wait, are you talking to me?"

He blinks and smiles as he laughs. "Yes. Oh does it shock you I will be brave enough to compliment you?" he smiles and thinks "I don't mean to overstep myself but you can ask Cassandra, I am an honest person."

She lifts Cassandra up like a book holding her before her face as she blushes and now Cassandra is blushing as her chest was just pressed into Dante's face. Dante who is standing still shocked first by her strength and secondly by what just happened. He takes a step back after his mind catches up and smiles up to Cassandra who has her eyes closed since she has turned a nice shade of tomato.

"My, my name is Nina." She is still holding her friend up as a wall as she talks. Dante is now finding her amazing as he can see she is moving while Cassandra is perfectly still so she must be very strong. "I, we will see you later!" All he can think is someone running off with a book as they are leaving and Cassandra is the book in the situation.

Tora hisses some and looks to him. "Silly mate, it isn't all about power." he flares up as he looks to her pouty face "I will get bigger too and when I do, you will see my charms!"

Dante smiles and kisses her softly and nods. "I see your charms daily my sweet Tora." she wiggles and dives at his neck snuggling close and hiding her face "Without you, I wouldn't be complete."

He thinks Janet had a word with Johnny as today he only has part of Cora's body hiding his snake as they model together and the position is extremely suggestive. As the time continues on she is starting to hiss heavier and heavier. "Mate, you are so close today." he says to relax and he will scrub her later "Mate, I feel dizzy." He is worried about her but at the same time, he has an idea she is getting overly worked up but can't help.

The end of class comes and she collapses as he holds her as she is mush. He finds this to be adorable and several others do by the sounds he hears. Xin helps him by tossing a sheet over the pair as he laughs out under it. "This makes it look like I am doing something to a defenseless girl."

Xin looks over. "The day Cora is a defenseless girl I am a dragon." he finds he can't win this debate so instead rubs and helps calm his girl down "Oh yeah, I forgot yesterday but I asked and it turns out you can bring flowers in but only certain ones."

Dante doesn't respond as his focus is Cora and once she is calmed down thus good she vanishes. "As long as they are not sentient or one of those that eat people. I am thinking of doing some collecting after we solve what we want where."

She is sitting down next to him as she holds out a tablet. "Several of us got together and this is why we forgot to tell you. We were thinking about it and tried to do up an idea for adding plants to our home."

He moves and moves the sheet off as he stands now dressed as she smiles and stands up dusting herself off. He nods as Tora forms up on his arm and crawls up to his neck nuzzling. "I was thinking of following the feel of the wilds while a few garden areas." he laughs "I didn't get to share the fact I had a herd of Marsh Deer come up on me while I was sleeping."

He finds himself having to excuse himself away from lunch as several pout out he laughs and says he was requested as they wave. He waves to Molly as she smiles and asks to talk after school as he nods heading out. Sava gets him to his destination quickly as he laughs and hugs her she licks him a few times then vanishes. Walking past the gate he can tell, this place doesn't laugh much.

Cassandra is shouting at Phillip. "What the hell was that for?! You can hate me all you want but why would you hurt Nina?!" Dante is heading that way as he feels a sudden urge to peel a person like a banana.

He scoffs and shoves her as she stumbles back. "You are just some freak. Don't act like you are worth anything outside of a collector's item." Dante really is fighting to keep his mind and emotions controlled as he keeps walking.

Cassandra glares as she can't help and she starts to hiss as he laughs at her before mocking her in response. However his body jerks and he shudders visibly as a dark dangerous hissing comes from behind him. He is frozen and everyone can see he can't turn as the sound is coming closer until it is behind him. It rises up and is now above him hissing. He looks up and sees a giant hood flare out as he screams bolting. Dante stops her from attacking as she vanishes he walks up to Cassandra.

She pulls on his arm and points as her friend is holding a broken arm. Sava is at his side and bolts as he goes to Nina. He lifts her and pours the bright blue formula in her mouth and a little in the ripped flesh around the bone before he pushes it back inside. Cassandra looks to him and as Nina's face calms down she exhales. "Thank you so very much."

Dante looks over and licks his lips as he smiles broadly those fangs are revealed while Sava herds his prey back. He stands and walks forward calmly as the gathered people are now watching. Phillip runs going to pass Dante when suddenly he is stopped as Dante steps before him. Looking up at him he goes to shout out as Dante grins darkly. Dante grabs both his forearms and quickly flexing his arms so both forearms snap loudly as the bones rip free.

Dante turns and walks away as he screams hitting his knees as Sava walks past sitting on her haunches while Dante takes a knee before Nina. "How are you now beautiful?" she just stares at him since that act took a great deal of strength and she looks at him as she just stares with her mouth open "Ah, is it Sava?" he looks over and rubs her chest "Thanks dear for fetching him back for me." Her tail is wagging quickly as she vanishes.

Cassandra holds a hand down as he helps Nina to stand up and joins them. "We invited you to join us for a meal and you had to see such a shameful thing." Dante shrugs as he motions and they walk off "However thank you very much for helping Nina." she looks down some "She is my only friend here because of what happened in my past."

Dante feels his heart jerk some and nods. "I know about a rough past." they both look to him as he smiles "However having someone there no matter who it is makes even a painful past bearable."

Nina looks to him and bites her lip as she looks to Cassandra for help. "Would you like to try our cooking or would you rather go out?" he asks if they mean the two of them as both blush shaking their heads and he smiles asking if they want him too and both nod before blushing worse "Uh, the cookie classes are this way."

Dante can't help but smile as she calls them cookie classes. Walking in he can see a few others are using the facilities and waves. Most don't even bother acknowledging them once they see the two he is with. "Well I guess I won't be sharing food at this rate." he looks to the two "You girls have it rough." both go to deny it as he has a no point expression "Why don't you change academies?"

Cassandra sighs and looks to him. "Where can I go? I was changed genetically by a rogue doctor as a newborn." she looks up as Nina nods "Nina is when someone doesn't care and still tries to make a big son regardless of it being a girl."

Dante nods and agrees once more in his head. Custom babies should have a lot more rules and regulations. "If you could, would you change locations?" as both say yes he smiles and starts cooking "In that case, let me make a couple calls while I cook."