Price to Pay

The woman goes to stomp to finish the fight as Janet forces herself to move with tears in her eyes from the pain. Snaps her other knee to drop her body closer as she sends a shot at her throat as another one fires a round and rips her wrist apart as Dante can now be heard hissing darkly.

Dante walks out into the arena grabbing the woman by her head and hurls her across the area like a toy as he takes a knee. Janet is fighting to keep her cries down as her hand is nearly removed and now the rest react seeing the damage done. Carter goes to speak as Dante's voice booms out. "NO!" everyone freezes as he gives her a clear vial and helps her to the side as he turns back "I want the rest of them, now!" His voice like a roar seems to vibrate the air.

The twelve look to each other than man who saved their companion. Carter looks to Dante as he moves to the middle of the arena area. "His rank is higher than yours so all of you at once would be a better test plus." he looks to the man "Her weapon was a breach of the rules but none of you tried to stop it and instead shot a student and nearly removed her hand."

Dante is looking to them as Tora climbs down his body and over to Janet as she starts to nuzzle her softly trying to help her sister feel better. "Our mate will make them pay. None risk or harm us soft mate."

Dante looks to them and opens a compartment and pulls something out as he looks and taps a few times and tosses it at his feet. The barrier forms up he had burrowed to use from Edna for weapons. Carter sees this and feels worry as Dante speaks now. "You humans can use weapons now so don't be scared I won't be." He walks over to his team now and removes his compartments handing them to Onya.

The twelve form up around him as each has a weapon out and two are ranged fighters. However before they all start a voice speaks up. "I am supposed to face a student here?" Carter looks over and stares at the man as he is shocked to see they hired an Intermediate rank 5 to face Dante "Is that him in the arena?"

Dante looks over and after a moment smiles softly. "Join in, one more body won't help." He laughs and motions as Dante does he draws out a long whip that arcs a few times as Dante laughs some "Let an Apex Predator teach you humans, who rules who."

Dante spins low then comes up as he dodges the melee strikes before shifts his body using his hands to avoid the whip and two ranged attacks. As the man spins his spear as a defense Dante just punches past and buries his fist in the man's body before opening his hand as he rips it out causing a heavily bleeding wound.

The rest seeing this now suit up as they had just weapons before but that display shows his intentions are not light. Dante spins and goes low as the spear skims over his chest and he uses his hand to shove it sideways to block the axe. He kicks off the ground hard to create a distance as his arm jerks sideways to punch the sword coming in.

He is watching and glares as he moves so much in this mess he is clearly superior. Instead of wasting his energy he walks back and leans against the wall. He will wait until the fight is in his favor. These are not green recruits but the fear he is instilling in them has ruined their focus. He snorts as he looks to them and relaxes watching the fight.

Dante dives low then pushes up as he clears the swords and axe as his legs wrap about the neck of the woman to his left. She doesn't have time to scream as he rotates in the air and her body is lifted then slams down as the loud crack is heard before she ever lands. At this a few step back noticing despite the medics trying they couldn't get the other guy out either and now two of them are dead.

This continues for a half hour until only one body remains alive of the first twelve. He looks to Dante who is now dripping as he calmly walks forward he keeps pulling the trigger as the empty grr click is all he can hear besides drips. Dante steps up to him smiling as he knees his stomach lifting him up as Dante spins and rams his arm down his throat before he opens his fingers before he rips his arm back as the man hits all four spewing out blood.

Looking over he now looks to the last comer who hadn't bothered to join in. "You ready to fight coward or hope if you hide back I will spare you?" he goes to remark as Dante barks "This is a training ground to us and it will only open once only one life sign is inside."

He pushes off and looks around before the bodies and back to Dante. "You intended to kill them all. What the hell is wrong with you kid?" Dante hisses as the man glares "You aren't some damn animal despite your body mods."

Dante laughs as he looks to him. "I have no body mods these are all natural as I am not human." the man stares at him "I am a Chimera and within my body is the power of all those beasts I lead. However none will know this unless you win as even suits don't record in here and none can hear us."

He looks down and taps his watch as the time doesn't even show as he is truly and fully cut off from the outside. Looking up he nods as this fight just got serious and this kid was going to die. "You best suit up or you won't last long." Dante smiles and hisses softly as he waves a hand waiting "Okay time to die kid."

Dante sways to the side and jumps some as the arc around the whip was bigger than expected. Using the electrical burst he can also change the direction in the air as now Dante is caught at around two meters away from him with the wildly flying item. Tim however is starting to sweat as he is going all out and despite the long fight before this kid seems to still be doing fine. What in the hell is going on is on his mind as he pulls out his sidearm and fires a few rounds as well.

Dante dodges the first several rounds but with the whip he does drive Dante to where he wants and a round lands solid followed by four more. Dante hits the ground after he spins away and looks forward as Tim goes to breathe Dante stands up brushing off his side with a wide grin. "I guess that isn't big enough, too bad for you how much do you have left after all that work?"

He fires the rest of the rounds into his chest and stomach but sees the rounds scorch but not push deep and feels a solid round weapon likely would work. He glares as all he can think is subdermal energy matrix. This damned kid has upper level specialist gear so no wonder everyone calls him a monster. He pulls out a second whip as this cracks and flames flick off it he glares. "It is time to finish this so no more games kid."

Edna lands with Ally as Aeon had brought all of them to the Academy when his signal vanished. As they rush in they see everyone watching the fight and as she goes forward she can see the shimmer and knows he is using a barrier system. "Aeon can you drop that before he gets hurt?"

Aeon is just staring at him as she misses her mouth twice before the sucker goes in. "I think we can relax boss." as both look to her she just points "He has his suit and hasn't used it. He hasn't even been pushed halfway yet."

Ally goes over and looks to his team and after a few moments she doesn't even care about the other bodies in their having heard what they did to Janet. "This is earned Edna. We can let him finish and spoil him afterwards."

Dante leaps for him and as the whips snap out he uses his palm to send the fire one into the electrical. Tim makes a burst but Dante uses his foot to catch the electrical and uses his hand again to wrap them together as they short out returning to normal. Dante is shaking his hand as he bounces a little on his feet and nods his head. "Yeah, that was what I figured would happen." Yeah it hurt like freaking hell and his leg is damn near numb! His body also hurts from those shots but a strong face is required.

Tim pulls a sword now as he steps back and feels the wall he pushes and goes sideways as Dante is upon him already. The sound of the barrier fluctuating from brute force isn't a pleasant sound especially when your face was just in that location. He goes after him with the sword in a fast series of strikes and smiles as his gear will now assist.

Dante spins low punching and as he goes to block he rotates his body snapping a kick into his hip smashing the exo that is starting to glow. He has a remembered hatred of those things so can identify them with ease. Tim feels his pelvis nearly breaks and shifts as suddenly Dante goes low as he jumps backwards.

Dante's hands hit the ground as he spins a few times before he sweeps his legs low and this time as Tim jumps Dante's entire body torques in a truly disturbing sight stopping. Tim stores the sword as he goes to get a ranged weapon and Dante suddenly attacks as he lashes out with his leg. Bones first flex then slowly start to give before total collapse of his pelvis as it shatters from the force and he is stuck against the side of the barrier.

Dante spins a few times and starts to walk closer as Tim looks to him fearfully and Dante smiles softly leaning by his ear. "You should have asked why I was facing those twelve. They teamed up to severely hurt my soft mate and by right I demand blood. Sorry I really don't have issues with you, anyone you want to have you things?"

Tim blinks a few times and nods as he lifts his hand shaking from the pain he feels. "I have a little girl, give it all to her and tell her that I died a hero."

Dante nod as he sheds a single tear. "Maybe next time you can be part of my family? Hopefully you are a bird, I don't have any yet." The man smiles some and closes his eyes with a little caw as Dante snaps his neck.