
These people want to know my goal? I don't have any grand so telling them isn't a worry, at least for me. I need samples for my world. I want to bring life to my world. My world can already provide for plants and with them, I can start the foundation for other life. They might be able to help me.

*3rd Person*

'Him': "I was looking for samples and had only just begun. Can you help me?" He scratches the back of his head. Team STRQ looked between to other before they focused on Summer.

Summer: "That depends... What do you need samples of and why do you need them?"

'Him': "Samples of plants... I want to grow some plants somewhere and I need the samples to begin."

Tai: "Samples to plant? You mean seeds, right?"

'Him': "If that's the word for it then yes."

Qrow: "Why the interest in planting? What's your agenda?"

'Him': "Explaining is difficult... I want to offer them to my home."

Raven: "Home? And where's that exactly?"

'Him': "Somewhere that's none of your business." Raven moved her hands to her weapon. Summer saw her hands and jumped in front of her.

Summer: "Raven there's no need to attack him. Everyone has their secrets... Now let's get going we're almost to Vale... and then Beacon."

Walking out of the forest line, a vast wall stood tall over the forest. The group walked to the nearest gates into the city and walked through the streets as it was full of people going about their lives. 'He' looked at all the buildings, people, and really anything that was new to him. Which was everything so far.

Tai: "Hey, why are you staring at everything like a child?" *chuckles a bit*

'Him': "This is my first time seeing any of this. I know much, but I lack any experience with all of it."

Tai: "Then, what's your home like?"

'Him': "Desolate... There's nothing there, it had nothing, to begin with, and shortly after I found myself there I set out to bring more to it."

Tai: "That's rough bubby... I hope you succeed."

Summer: "Guys, we're here! Welcome to Beacon!"

In front of them was a large castle, or at least the closest thing 'he' could compare it to. The place was just massive and looked like a fortress if it ever needed to be. Grey thick concrete walls and many architectural designs made it feel safe and look dependable. This was definitely a place that enemies should have a hard time invading.

The group walked into an elevator and went to the top. When the elevator started moving, 'he' was startled, fell, and was caught by Raven.

Raven: *Looking smug* "You gonna stand up or do you need me to hold you?"

'Him': I can stand..." He hastily stood and held the railing. Everyone else was sliming and chuckling a bit before the elevator opened again.

Looking through the doors, an office with some couches and a desk were placed. A man sat at the desk with all the clockwork worked behind him. The man took a sip of his mug and spoke.

The Man: "Why, Hello there.."