July 17th - In the Occhiosmead Forest

I snuck through the leafy undergrowth, staying on the balls of my feet. Prince Pharon was right behind me and beyond him was the rest of our party. There were six of us in total, Kane, me, Lord Glade, Lady Brook, the Archivist, and Prince Pharon.

Prince Pharon and I were on a scouting mission now, as our party made it slow way through the wilds of the Occhiosmead Forest.

Twelve days ago, we had, by majority vote, decided to travel to Volantis. Lord Glade and Lady Brook wanted to return home and Prince Pharon and the Archivist wanted to seek the High Lord's aid in reclaiming Pharon's throne.

Even Kane had voted to go. I think he wanted to put more distance between us and Lord Alecai. As Kane had predicted, Lord Alecai had survived the fight. The other four informed us of this before we voted on our next move.