Hold Tightly

Song Fengwan didn't intend to cry in front of Fu Chen, but she had suppressed some things in her heart for too long.

Her father had had an affair, and the illegitimate daughter came to her family's doorstep. She was too embarrassed to speak of it and didn't dare to tell anyone.

She knew that there were many people waiting to see her make a fool of herself, so she couldn't let anyone see a hint of sadness in her and could only endure it.

She hated Jiang Fengya and resented her father even more. But at the thought that her parents' relationship was so tense that they could get a divorce at any time, the panic and helplessness welling up in her heart almost made her breakdown.

She had always hoped that when she returned to Yuncheng, everything would just be a dream and that nothing had ever happened.

But the incident today had completely shattered her already-fragmented fantasy.