Dating Like a Thief

Actually, Jing Hanchuan was agitated by some comments online.

He felt uncomfortable. Just as Duan Linbai said, this kind of thing wouldn't last long. Moreover, the comments about Xu Yuanfei were all positive. They were just praising her for her beauty.

But it was as if someone was peeping at something that belonged to him.

He hesitated before driving out alone.

When he came out, a certain big shot was accompanying his wife to watch a TV drama. When he saw him go out, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"I have something to do." Jing Hanchuan didn't answer directly.

A certain big shot reached out and touched the mustache at the corner of his mouth. He doesn't go out during the day. Why is he going out in the middle of the night?

But he didn't probe further.

So he had no idea that once Jing Hanchuan went out…

He didn't return all night.


At this moment…