lang lang is very fierce, pulling out the person behind the scenes?

"everyone was in a fit of anger at that time, so how could you take this seriously?"

they were indeed regretful. during this period of time, they had been under pressure from all sides. even relatives and friends had laughed at them and said that they were stupid. wasn't it a great thing for their daughter to climb up the social ladder? other people couldn't even get it.

" but that document is already legally binding. he also said himself that in the future, i will have nothing to do with my life, age, illness, and death. he will treat it as if he never raised me. "

"but i didn't do that. don't you want me too? i'm your mother."

"yeah, you're the one who usually asks me to transfer money to xu xin the most."

as long as xu peimin was around, mother xu would usually hide in the back. but at home, she was never polite to her.

"you ..."

"you can leave."

xu jiamu flung her hand away and was about to leave when mother xu anxiously grabbed his jacket.