third master's high-profile fusion, fierce dog food (2)

that afternoon, the school's official website announced the winner's list. the academy of fine arts 'noticeboard also made an announcement, and the award ceremony would be held in the south campus auditorium on saturday night.

this was the best news song fengwan had received in a while.

she kept touching her stomach, thinking that a certain little guy was her lucky star because she had been running around with him for two years. if she did not succeed this year, it would be even more impossible next year.

she was in a better mood, and even her morning sickness had reduced significantly.

"i'll go with you to the awards ceremony." fu chen said.

at this time, fu chen wanted to keep her company except in class.

"you'll accompany me?"

song fengwan was a little surprised because the two of them had never publicly combined before.