godly assistance appears, something may happen

- inside the elevator-

as soon as the door closed, duan yiyan suddenly turned to qiao zhichu. " cousin, just now ... "

" fu yu, what did you do today? why did you come so late? " qiao zhichu ignored him and interrupted him.

"it's my grandfather's birthday, so i accompanied my parents to meet a few uncles."

" no wonder i wished him a happy birthday in advance. i'll definitely come over personally when i have the time ... "

"thank you," he said.

duan yiyan frowned. he was a shrewd man and seemed to have sensed something. he glanced at qiao zhichu and was about to open his mouth when a certain someone stopped him. " you're doing quite well in your current job. just be yourself and don't care about what others say ... "

fu yu raised his eyebrows and nodded, his eyes all on huai sheng.

at the large-scale awkward chat.

fu yu and qiao zhichu were naturally very familiar with each other, but they rarely chatted alone, so they didn't have many common topics.