Chapter 13: The Third Master

After discussing the pros and cons, Dongfang Hongyue decisively prepared to take Lin Yun as her disciple.

It was a necessity, for to have Lin Yun obediently listen, their relationship needed to be defined.

Lin Yun was originally sent to her as a male concubine, already hers by right, but Dongfang Hongyue wasn't foolish; she knew Lin Yun wouldn't be so compliant.

In fact, a simpler method than taking him as a disciple was to straightforwardly make Lin Yun her man. That might make him listen to her.


How could the great Demon Lord stoop to cajole a man by sacrificing herself? Therefore, Dongfang Hongyue could only choose to take him as a disciple.

Lin Yun, however, found it somewhat strange. After all, could it really be without any reservations?

I'm the man who slept with you, and you're still willing to take me as your disciple?

Aren't you afraid I'll betray my master and destroy our lineage?

"Greetings, Master."

Although Lin Yun had many complaints in his mind, the words he spoke were very straightforward.

Dongfang Hongyue also smiled and said, "Since you have agreed to take me as your master, all that has happened shall be dispersed like smoke and clouds. Who you are, what you've done – from now on, it's all wiped clean. You are merely my disciple."

What she stressed with that sentence was for Lin Yun to forget the dual cultivation they had shared.

For Lin Yun, this was even more a guarantee. With these words, even if she later found out he was sent by the Green Lotus Sect, as long as he hadn't betrayed Dongfang Hongyue, she would hardly feel justified in holding him accountable, would she?

"Thank you, Master."

"No need for courtesy, and also, let no one know you are my disciple."

Lin Yun: "..."

This familiar script.

Is it starting again, darling?


Lin Yun had an ominous feeling in his heart.

Good fellow, don't tell me I have excellent aptitude and that I have to...

"I see you have excellent aptitude and will surely achieve great things in the future."

Lin Yun: "..."

Can you wait for me to finish complaining before you say that?

Lin Yun had already predicted that next he might have to go undercover again, but where? The Sword Sect?

Or maybe the Li Fire God Palace? Just please not the Eight Tones Temple; I don't want to become a monk.

Lin Yun's prediction was slightly off.

"The more promising you are, the more discreet you must be before you have the power to protect yourself. Some have already seen your physique, and both the Eight Tones Temple and Li Fire God Palace are tempted.

If others learn now that you have become my disciple, they would certainly kill you immediately.

They will not permit a potential great cultivator to emerge as a rival."

Lin Yun agreed wholeheartedly with Dongfang Hongyue's words; knowing his own potential, he naturally had to be even more careful to avoid being targeted.

He nodded his head, and Dongfang Hongyue continued, "Therefore, you shall go into hiding under an alias to cultivate at a secret location I have prepared, until you reach the Heart Guarding Realm, and then leave the mountain to gain experience."

Lin Yun: "..."

This master is truly after my own heart!

Experiences in the Orthodox Sects typically begin from the Mortal Transcendence Realm, and though Lin Yun's stay at the Sword Sect was short, he was aware of this rule. Dongfang Hongyue was having him wait until the Heart Guarding Realm before coming out.

Very cautious; I like it!

Lin Yun immediately agreed.

It was also at this time that Dongfang Hongyue began to reveal more of her secrets.

About the hidden sanctuary she had created, and her Path of Virtuous Merit.

This secret realm lay within a vast desert to the west of White Tiger Ridge.

The vast desert was also known as the Land of Death, barren and stretching for thousands of miles, passable only by a mighty cultivator like Dongfang Hongyue.

While wandering the world, Dongfang Hongyue found an oasis protected by a natural maze of illusions and named it Yellow Wind Valley.

Over the years, Dongfang Hongyue secretly cultivated virtue by rescuing people displaced by natural disasters and wars, bringing them to Yellow Wind Valley. Those with talent were trained as warriors, and those without were given land to farm and live out their years peacefully.

The men gifted to her were all sent to Yellow Wind Valley for construction.

Lin Yun was stunned upon hearing this.

The Demon Lord was incredibly shrewd!

One action, at least three benefits.

Firstly, as the construction of Yellow Wind Valley required a lot of labor, the men given to her were just right for the hard work.

Secondly, by spreading a baseless flaw, Dongfang Hongyue's cultivation technique had no defects at all, but she told others she did, using those men as proof, thus confusing her adversaries.

Thirdly, by performing acts of virtue, among the men sent to Dongfang Hongyue, there were those like Lin Yun who were spies, but many more were down on their luck, giving them a job and a new life also counted as an act of virtue.

Truly ingenious!

"However, you're a pure and innocent girl, aren't you bothered by being labeled as promiscuous?"

Lin Yun felt Dongfang Hongyue wasn't as terrible as he had thought and, finding some closeness to her, spoke his mind.

"Walk upright, sit straight, knowing my own innocence, I'm not afraid of what others say," Dongfang Hongyue said proudly. Suddenly remembering she was no longer innocent, her expression fell.

But let's call it even, as agreed, and leave it at that.

Thinking optimistically, she didn't really lose out. The Red Lotus Sacred Fire clearly evolved, turning into a golden-red unknown Fire Seed, obviously more powerful.

Moreover, her cultivation level had become more stable.

Furthermore, she had successfully overcome the life-threatening danger, and the Soul Sever left no lingering troubles.

Most importantly, looking at it from another perspective, it wasn't Lin Yun who had taken her, but she who had graced Lin Yun.

Initially, she might have been passive, but she quickly regained control.

So, she didn't lose out!

"Let's not talk about this anymore for now. I'll pass on the technique to you. The Red Lotus Sutra is the Red Lotus Sect's supreme technique. Indeed, it has its drawbacks. Every Red Lotus Demon Lord who practices the Red Lotus Sutra occasionally enters a period of weakness.

However, I have found that if the Red Lotus Sacred Fire is used only to punish the wicked, there are no negative consequences. Perhaps it's also because I'm a Fire Spirit Fairy Body. In any case, if you practice this technique, remember you must not use the Red Lotus Sacred Fire to kill lightly,"

"I understand,"

Seeing Dongfang Hongyue's serious face, Lin Yun quickly agreed.

But inwardly, he thought, as long as others don't kill me, that's enough. Why would I go around killing others?

The Red Lotus Sutra was transmitted verbally. Dongfang Hongyue explained it in great detail, and although Lin Yun had never practiced immortal techniques, he instinctively understood it.

"You already have a Fire Seed within you, which means you've directly entered the beginner level. The sutra contains three spells you must master: one for slaying, one for protection, and one for escape. You only have three days to ask me questions. After three days, I will send you to Yellow Wind Valley."

Having said that, Dongfang Hongyue left the dungeon.

Watching her retreat, Lin Yun's favorable impression of her continued to grow.

Dongfang Hongyue had long legs. She probably just needed an ornament...