Chapter 15 Yellow Wind Valley

Initially, Lin Yun thought the underground passage merely went under Sunblaze Mountain, but after getting on the "subway," Lin Yun realized that this tunnel was unreasonably long.

Pressed by the Demon Lord's imposing aura, everyone in the carriage was very quiet, and Lin Yun dared not act too exceptionally, nor was it appropriate to strike up a conversation with Dongfang Hongyue.

In the pitch darkness underground, one could not tell how much time had passed or even perceive any speed, and when the carriage finally stopped, and everyone emerged from the underground, all they could see were swirling sands reaching the skies.

The others had no idea where this place was; desert areas were not limited to the west of White Tiger Ridge—in the north, to the northwest of Mount Heavenly Dragon, there was also a desert.

But Lin Yun knew this place was the rarely trodden Land of Death.

Dongfang Hongyue was indeed prudent, going directly underground to the end point. No wonder no one had discovered over the years that she was secretly transporting people away.

This was not the entrance to Yellow Wind Valley; otherwise, if someone could find the entrance at Sunblaze Mountain, they would be able to follow the trail all the way to Yellow Wind Valley.

"Next, I will ride the wind to take you to Yellow Wind Valley. Once you reach the entrance, you can go in. From then on, your past will vanish like smoke in the air, and you can begin new lives within the valley."

The crowd instantly erupted into a commotion.

Many of them were not like Lin Yun and Wang Wanqiu, sent here to be insider traitors. More of them were people whose families had fallen into hardship or who had been kidnapped as children. Because they had decent looks, they ended up in Dongfang Hongyue's hands after being trafficked.

To say they were male pets was, in reality, not much different from being slaves.

So, now that Dongfang Hongyue was offering them freedom, the surprise came too suddenly, and some could hardly believe it.

Dongfang Hongyue did not explain further, whirled up a sandstorm, and sent everyone except Lin Yun flying with the wind to the distance.

"On your trip to Yellow Wind Valley, although your main task is cultivation, I also have a task for you to complete."

Lin Yun knew that if he was left behind, it was definitely because there was something to be discussed.

"Master, please give me your instructions."

"Among the group of people just now, I don't know how many are spies sent by other forces. It isn't just this batch; I've sent people into Yellow Wind Valley before, and among them were spies as well.

You help me secretly confirm the identities of those people. Those who are genuinely interested in living well in the valley, let bygones be bygones. But if any are intent on causing trouble, you have my permission to act first and report later."

Lin Yun: "..."

He initially thought that Dongfang Hongyue did not take precautions against spies. To his surprise, she had her own methods of guarding against them.

Good grief, even though this is about cultivation, Lin Yun felt as if he'd gotten a sense of being in a spy thriller on a remote island.

But then again, I'm an insider traitor myself...


As Lin Yun spoke, he added, "But as an exchange, can I make a request?"

Dongfang Hongyue glanced at Lin Yun, feeling somewhat displeased.

This guy, I've already imparted the Red Lotus Sutra to you. Do you still want more benefits?


"In the future, don't take in any more male pets, even if they are only in name."

"Oh? Just that?"

Dongfang Hongyue looked at Lin Yun with amusement. She could see right through Lin Yun's intentions. Was he asking her to favor only him?

Tsk tsk, men's jealousy can indeed be quite amusing.

"Just that."

"Well, that will depend on my mood. Alright, you should leave too. If it's any later, they might start suspecting you."

After saying that, Dongfang Hongyue pulled out a whistle and tossed it to Lin Yun, saying, "This is the Thousand-Mile Sound Transmission Whistle. If you have something to find me for, blow the whistle, and I will come to you."

Lin Yun had just caught the whistle when he suddenly felt himself swept up by a gust of wind. After a dizzying whirl, he found himself on the ground.

In front of him appeared the secluded entrance to Yellow Wind Valley, with about ten individuals wielding sharp blades standing to the side, watching them.

Yellow Wind Valley could be entered but not exited. These were some of Dongfang Hongyue's subordinates left in Yellow Wind Valley, expressly assigned to guard the place and forbid anyone from leaving.

This was also a form of protection. The Yellow Wind Valley was situated in the midst of a desert, and it was very possible for someone of low cultivation level to die in the sands if they could not find the correct direction.

"Welcome to Yellow Wind Valley," said Hongling, a woman clad in armor. "I am Hongling, tasked with guarding this place. Before you enter the valley, let me first tell you the rules of Yellow Wind Valley."

Despite being a woman, Hongling wore a suit of armor and had an air of valiance about her.

This attire made Lin Yun ponder inwardly. Could it be that Yellow Wind Valley was not a peaceful place? Otherwise, why would an administrator be dressed as though ready for battle at any moment?

"First: once you've entered the valley, you are not allowed to leave.

Second: do not commit any crimes. If there are disputes, seek resolution from the enforcement team. Those who engage in unauthorized duels will be severely punished.

Third: you must fend for yourself. Upon entering the valley, you will receive one hundred Lotus Coins to meet your basic needs. But from then on, everything depends on your own efforts. How to earn money, you will have to explore for yourselves once inside."

Hongling briefly explained the three rules and then let the newcomers line up for their money.

The Lotus Coin was the currency circulating within Yellow Wind Valley. It was made of copper and bore the image of a lotus on it.

Although named as a valley, Yellow Wind Valley was actually a small town.

The town was circular in shape, built around the Holy Spring.

The Holy Spring was a lake that sustained Yellow Wind Valley, with its water surging from underground. Dongfang Hongyue had once explored and discovered that there was a spring source that sustained the plant life in the vicinity.

To the north of Yellow Wind Valley was the cultivation area, where residence was forbidden and only allowed for planting food and spiritual medicine.

To the west lay a mining area, while the southeast direction held the residential zones.

At the center of the Holy Spring was the Valley Master Mansion. The Valley Master Mansion was a small wooden house suspended in the air by iron chains, serving as both a dwelling and a watchtower that could monitor the surroundings.

After entering Yellow Wind Valley, Lin Yun inquired around and found out that one hundred Lotus Coins would only suffice for ten days if used for daily expenses.

In other words, if he were to take on an ordinary identity, would he have to work and earn money here for himself?

Damn, Dongfang Hongyue!

I thought you intended for me to dedicate myself to cultivation by providing a place to sustain me, allowing me to be an idle fish, solely focused on my practice. But now, I have to find a job here as well?

Ha, what a harpy!

Men were in the majority in Yellow Wind Valley. The streets near the Holy Spring were somewhat bustling, while the outer areas were more like the suburbs of the town.

Lin Yun was about to inquire about ways to make money when suddenly, his finger began to grow hot again.

It was Wang Wanqiu reaching out to contact him.

The two met in a secluded place, and Wang Wanqiu said, "Daoist Fuyun, I did not expect you to still be alive."

"I also didn't expect that you would have stayed behind."

"Feeling guilty for failing my mission and causing my master to lose an Immortal Sword, I voluntarily chose to stay behind in hopes of gathering more intelligence. I didn't expect to be sent to such a secret place. It truly feels like divine aid.

This place must be of great importance to Red Lotus Demon Lord. If we can relay its position to get it destroyed, it will undoubtedly deal a heavy blow to Red Lotus Demon Lord.

With your help, the likelihood of our success increases greatly."

Lin Yun: "..."

Sorry, I'm the insider traitor...