Chapter 21 This Woman Has No Martial Morals

Lin Yun, as usual, stopped cultivating the Azure Dragon Gu Worm only when he felt tired and came ashore, but perhaps today the Azure Dragon Gu Worm had eaten quite a bit more, so by the time Lin Yun came ashore, he could already see the morning twilight in the sky.

Good grief, did he actually cultivate the whole night?

Fortunately, he didn't have to stress himself out every day during cultivation; the Azure Dragon Gu Worm was in charge of absorbing, the Fire Seed was in charge of refining, and he was just lying in the water supervising their work, comfortably snoozing when he felt like it.

So when Lin Yun came ashore, he was still very spirited.

However, Hongling, who was waiting on the shore, was seething with rage.

They had agreed on cultivating only for half the night, but she ended up waiting on the shore the entire night. To avoid mosquito bites, she had been constantly projecting her spiritual power outwards. Having done this all night, she became more and more irritable.

The moment Lin Yun's head emerged from the water, she struck at him with a palm.

Even though she was angry, Hongling didn't strike with full force; she didn't want to kill Lin Yun—she intended to capture him alive.

Lin Yun hadn't expected an ambush, but before the attack reached him, the Azure Dragon Gu Worm in his body gave a warning. Without a word, Lin Yun used Fire Escape, and the next thing he appeared on the shore.

Only then did he clearly see who was attacking him.

It was actually Hongling. Hongling attacking him—did she suspect him?

"Stop it, I'm one of us."

"Save the talk, just surrender."

Hongling wasn't interested in listening and went straight for the capture.

Her words made Lin Yun dare not let her catch him. What if she were an insider traitor? If he exposed his identity and got silenced, that would be the end of him.

If he had a chance to run, he definitely should. Afterwards, he could explain the situation to Dongfang Hongyue.

Lin Yun used Fire Escape again, this time getting even farther away.

"Let's see where you can run to now."

Hongling relentlessly chased after Lin Yun, not using Escape Skills, but relying on her own speed.

Watching Lin Yun continuously leaping in flames, Hongling scoffed.

Escape Techniques greatly deplete True Qi; I want to see how many more times a mere Mortal Transcendence Realm cultivator can jump.

Then, she just watched as Lin Yun got farther and farther away from her.

What the heck?

She wouldn't dare to use Escape Techniques like that.

Just because she couldn't close in didn't mean Hongling had no other options.

"You little thief, face my Meteor Fire Rain!"

Hongling shouted not because it would strengthen the attack, but as a reminder to Lin Yun. He'd claimed to be one of them, and although Hongling didn't completely believe it, she was still willing to give him a chance to explain. Now, seeing how adept he was at using Fire Escape, which somewhat resembled a spell from the Red Lotus Sect, she wasn't sure.

But a single Escape Skill wasn't enough to confirm his identity, so Hongling used a stronger move, hoping to force Lin Yun's hand.

Lin Yun looked up and saw several large fireballs smashing down from above.

This was an attempt on his life!

This Hongling might really be an insider traitor.

With no time to hide his secrets, Lin Yun's priority was to save his own life, so he immediately used Fire Domain and perfectly extinguished the fireballs.

Only then did Hongling confirm that Lin Yun was indeed one of their own. Just as she was about to hold back, unexpectedly a ball of fire flew at her.

Oh, you little rascal, thinking of counterattacking? Even if I stand still, could you actually hurt me to death?

But as the ball of fire drew closer, Hongling sensed something was wrong. In a rush, she managed to block it, and while she extinguished the fire, her hair was singed, and her clothes had a hole burned through them.

A cultivator at the Heart Guarding Realm, getting her hair burned by a Mortal Transcendence Realm cultivator—wouldn't that be embarrassing if word got out?

Even after confirming Lin Yun's identity, Hongling was not willing to let him off the hook so easily.

At the very least, she wanted to capture Lin Yun herself, and then burn him bald!

That's what you get for offending a woman.

But Lin Yun was already running after landing the hit. He realized he could spare some effort for a counterattack. With Fire Domain on for damage immunity and Fire Escape to widen the gap, since it was safe, and as a qualified mage, he surely knew how to kite!

Although he was fleeing for his life, Lin Yun suddenly felt like he was playing a game, and kiting was indeed quite fun.

However, Hongling was beyond furious by now.



Frustrated, how could this guy be so slippery that he can't be caught at all?

Isn't she worried about losing face if word gets out?

"You're done for! Once I catch you, I'm going to burn off all the hair on your body!"

At this moment, Hongling was in a sorry state, her clothes already somewhat torn and tattered. Lin Yun's Fire Seed was extraordinary, and even though she was two realms above him, she still had to be cautious in dealing with it.

Initially, Hongling treated the chase like a cat playing with a mouse, not using her full strength, but gradually, she started to bully him using her realm, using her mental deterrence on Lin Yun. However, Lin Yun seemed completely unaffected.

Instead, it was she who was enraged by Lin Yun's small fireballs to the point of exploding with anger.

Hearing that, Lin Yun dared not stop his efforts.

Thankfully, the Spiritual Liquid inside his body was still plentiful and enough to keep going.

But gradually, he made his way to the exit of Yellow Wind Valley—the exit and the entrance were the same. At that moment, the guards were also at their most fatigued. Normally, a shout from Hongling could have summoned the guards to help, but Hongling was too embarrassed to do so now.

She had been toyed with by Lin Yun, and if she couldn't catch Lin Yun on her own, she would never be able to lift her head in front of him again.

Hongling was now determined to stand up to Lin Yun, eager to see how much True Qi he could use up.

The guards of Yellow Wind Valley, watching the two of them run out, were all completely bewildered.

Isn't that person chasing behind the Valley Master?

Is it an enemy attack?

The guards didn't rashly go to reinforce, but instead, they sealed off the entrance and went to report to the captain of the Guard Brigade.

Once outside Yellow Wind Valley, Hongling was no longer so restricted.

A series of powerful spells bombarded the area where Lin Yun was, causing the yellow sand to fill the sky. Yet Lin Yun came out unscathed, then threw back another fireball.

"Don't you have any other spells?"

Hongling couldn't help but complain.

Up until now, Lin Yun had only used those same three tricks: taking a hit and activating Fire Domain, counterattacking with small fireballs, and using Fire Escape to run away.

The key thing was that the kid's Fire Domain was too strong, her spells couldn't injure him at all.

"It's enough to get by."

Lin Yun responded to Hongling while thinking about how to break out of the situation.

Seeing an arching sand dune up ahead, an idea struck Lin Yun. If he could make it there and utilize the Azure Dragon Gu Worm's concealment, he might just avoid a disaster.

"Forget it, stop running. I'm not your enemy."

Hongling didn't want to chase anymore. The area around Yellow Wind Valley was safe, but chasing further would be pointless. If they ran out of the safe range and encountered danger, it would be a real pity to lose such a promising seed.

Being able to leave her helpless at the Mortal Transcendence Realm, this youth has boundless potential.

Lin Yun didn't believe her.

Are you trying to fool a ghost here? You've bombarded me with so many spells, and now you say you're not my enemy?

"Then stop chasing me."

"Fine, I've stopped. Now you also stop running."

Only then did Lin Yun turn around for a look, and sure enough, this woman was not playing fair, what happened to stopping? She was clearly accelerating towards him.

"Caught you."

Hongling reached out for Lin Yun with a triumphant grab, but just as she touched his clothes, the Lin Yun in front of her turned into a flame and vanished.

He could actually still use Fire Escape.

At the spot where Lin Yun landed, the sand suddenly surged like flowing water.

Lin Yun hadn't even reacted when he suddenly sank into the sand up to his knees.


Hongling hadn't expected quicksand to appear here. She quickly charged toward Lin Yun and grabbed his hand.

To mortals, quicksand is lethal, but for a high-level practitioner like Hongling who could already fly, it wasn't much of an issue.

However, the quicksand Lin Yun stepped into had a powerful suction force at the bottom. Lin Yun struggled but couldn't break free, and even Hongling couldn't pull him out. She was even at risk of being dragged down with him...
