Chapter 19 Bai Jiaojiao

Lin Yun never expected that he would actually reach the bottom like this.

Dongfang Hongyue was so certain, and Lin Yun believed her, so he was just testing how deep he could dive. He even got distracted by his practice, which was quite interesting, and didn't focus on diving deeper. He had planned to head up once it felt about time.

But carelessly, he found himself at the bottom.


Was Dongfang Hongyue too confident, or was he too uncanny?

However, now wasn't the time to think about such things. It was pitch black at the bottom of the lake, and Lin Yun had no means of illumination. As a cultivator in the Mortal Transcendence Realm, he could barely extend his senses a little, but the spiritual energy was so dense underwater that he couldn't project his spiritual force at all.

This environment instinctively made one feel frightened. If there were some sort of monster guarding treasures at the bottom of the lake, being blind as a bat and getting served up as takeout would not end well.

It's better to go up first. I can come back down after making thorough preparations.

Lin Yun began to swim upwards with all his might.

Halfway up, Lin Yun finally managed to extend his spiritual force a little as the concentration of spiritual energy lessened, and he sensed a familiar presence approaching.

This person was naturally Wang Wanqiu. Her condition was not good at this moment.

The deeper one went into Holy Spring Lake, the colder it became, but what was more important was the increasing density of spiritual energy, which caused enormous pressure on the circulation of her True Qi, almost bringing it to a halt.

Wang Wanqiu hadn't expected that by trying to dive a little deeper, the consumption of her True Qi would increase exponentially.

She thought Lin Yun was more likely dead than alive, but in order to find him as best as she could, Wang Wanqiu decided to give it her all.

Even if Lin Yun was dead, she had to bring his body back.

But when her True Qi was rapidly depleting, and she realized the task was impossible, Wang Wanqiu understood that she had underestimated Holy Spring Lake.

Her limbs were already stiffened from the cold and immovable. Her True Qi was almost exhausted, and in such a state, there was no way for her to get back to the surface.

She never expected that after finally infiltrating the Red Lotus Demon Lord's secret base, she would die here.

At this moment, Lin Yun appeared. He noticed that Wang Wanqiu's breath was very weak, and instinctively grabbed her hand, pulling her upward with him.

After bringing her up a little, Wang Wanqiu's condition improved significantly, but her body was still ice-cold. Instinctively, she hugged the warm thing beside her.

Lin Yun: "..."

Is this guy coveting my body?

Lin Yun had also instinctively set out to rescue someone. It was only when they were nearly back on shore that Lin Yun suddenly realized, why did I save her?

Before diving, he had thought that he needed to take care of the troublesome Wang Wanqiu. That was a godsend opportunity, what a pity!

"Are you okay!"

Lin Yun noticed that Wang Wanqiu was ice-cold, and after reaching the shore, she fell into unconsciousness.

The opportunity was still there.

Lin Yun also knew his current strength. If Wang Wanqiu were conscious, he wasn't confident he could win, but now that Wang Wanqiu's vitality was weak, he figured a single fireball should be able to burn her up.


This was, after all, his first time. He found it hard to go through with it.

If only he could treat it like playing a game, where he just had to make a choice and the action of killing and silencing would be automatically completed, that would be great.

Then I would definitely be able to defeat any enemy, slaying my wife with a single strike.

During his moment of hesitation, Wang Wanqiu regained consciousness. As they reached the shore, her True Qi could finally circulate normally again. She slowly opened her eyes and realized she was holding on to Lin Yun. She quickly let go of his hand.

Her body still retained some coldness, which couldn't be expelled for the time being. Leaving Lin Yun's body, she instinctively felt a little reluctant to let go.

Wang Wanqiu looked at Lin Yun with mixed emotions and said, "Why were you able to stay down there for so long?"

"I don't know either; perhaps it's an Immortal Body?"

Wang Wanqiu felt that Lin Yun wasn't telling the truth, but since Lin Yun had saved her life, she didn't feel it was right to press further.

"No wonder the Red Lotus Demon Lord left this place completely unguarded; it seems that it's indeed not something we can explore. Next, I plan to join the Guard Brigade and wait until I can contact my sect."

She had already given up on the mission.

Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart; this was for the best.

Having to move with Wang Wanqiu daily meant that Lin Yun had to be careful in guarding his own secrets; it was far more convenient to act alone.

The next day, Lin Yun started to secretly look for a magic artifact that could emit light, while Wang Wanqiu inquired about how to join the Guard Brigade.

Meanwhile, in the Land of Death, some outsiders came into this expanse of desert.

Near White Tiger Ridge, there were a few oases, and some of the barbarians, unyielding to royal authority, grouped into tribes and depended on those oases for survival.

Bai Jiaojiao had visited these tribes one by one but hadn't felt a trace of Dragon Qi.

However, she wasn't discouraged; she hadn't expected to find the Dragon Ball right from the start.

"My King, didn't we agree that if we couldn't find it at the edge, we would go back?"

This time, the White Sea Dragon had brought two subordinates with him, a Green Snake and a White Snake.

Now disguised as her maidservants, one named Xiao Qing, the other Da Bai.

Xiao Qing was playful and agile, while Da Bai was mature and steady.

That's why these two maidservants, one served as a scout, the other as an advisor.

The one giving advice now was Da Bai.

"We definitely won't find it in the border areas; let's go a little deeper. I know the Land of Death is dangerous, but since we've come all this way, wouldn't it be a pity to turn back now?"

The White Snake still advised caution: "But in the desert where moisture is scarce, your strength will be reduced by at least twenty percent. What if we encounter enemies? Your whereabouts were exposed not long ago."

Speaking of this, Bai Jiaojiao felt somewhat embarrassed.

That day, she had sensed a pure Dragon Qi and her Dragon Blood had boiled over uncontrollably, resulting in a loud roar.

At the time, she just happened to be on Human Race territory and had caused quite a commotion. Although they quickly retreated afterward, keen-minded individuals would have surely noticed her presence in their territory.

It's possible that Human Race masters were already on their way to find her.

But the White Sea Dragon believed that disguising herself as a Human Race woman, she shouldn't attract too much attention.

"Don't worry; we've transformed into humans, and won't be noticed by others..."

However, a hundred miles away, there was already a convergence of multiple forces...

"What on earth does this White Sea Dragon want to do?"

When a Demon King crosses into Human Race territory, there's no way the humans would not react. Bai Jiaojiao had transformed into a human, and it didn't take long for her to be discovered.

But, since her intentions were unclear, they didn't dare to act rashly and instead sent people to secretly observe.

The only one who knew the truth, Daoist Master Huang Long, was instead playing a waiting game, and he hadn't shared the information with his peers.

Why share when he could claim the Dragon Ball for himself?

Despite Da Bai's strong advice against it, Bai Jiaojiao was ultimately the real boss here; her word was final.

"I have a premonition that there's an opportunity for me in the Land of Death. Let's set off!"

Just as Bai Jiaojiao chose to venture deeper into the desert, Dongfang Hongyue, who was organizing post-disaster reconstruction, felt a twitch in her eye...