Chapter 25 Dragon Corpse

Lin Yun also held the same thoughts as Daoist Master Huang Long.

When the big shots fight, such a spectacle isn't one you could simply choose to watch, and if by chance you were caught in the middle, you'd be done for.

Taking advantage of the Azure Dragon Gu Worm's invisibility, Lin Yun decisively slipped away.

Seeing this, Qiuping resolutely followed Lin Yun.

"This way, we can go directly to the burial chamber."

Lin Yun: "..."

How did this ghost find me when I'm hidden?

Now was not the time to pursue such questions. The people confronting each other seemed too tense to notice the movement here. After pondering for a moment, Lin Yun still decided to go with Qiuping.

The Dragon Tomb's floor plan was like an uncovered box laid flat, with the main tomb encircled by the Four Symbols Divine Palaces. Each Divine Palace had a direct passage to the main burial chamber. There was also a broad passage on the outside of the main hall, with interconnected paths between the four palaces.

White Sea Dragon and the others had moved from Xuanwu Palace to White Tiger Palace, so Lin Yun and Qiuping took a detour towards Vermilion Bird Hall. There was a mechanism leading directly to the main hall, and this time, there was no significant noise. Several runes appeared on the wall, which Qiuping lit up one by one, giving off the feeling of unlocking a code.

The wall became transparent, and Lin Yun touched it with his hand, feeling like the wall was made of water. With one step forward, Lin Yun passed through the wall and into the main burial chamber.

Upon entering the main burial chamber, Lin Yun was deeply shocked.

The burial chamber was about thirty floors high, with the ceiling covered in Luminous Pearls that shone brilliantly, like a sky full of dazzling stars.

The chamber stretched a hundred feet in length and width, with a massive Red Dragon sprawling in the center.

Seeing the dragon, Lin Yun blurted out an expletive.

This was his first time seeing a real dragon, and it wasn't special effects!

Lin Yun was tempted to take a picture for posterity, a pity there were no cameras here.

Although the chamber was vast, most of the space was occupied by the dragon's body. Even when coiled, the dragon spanned nearly a hundred feet, with its four limbs bound by iron chains, a sight that deterred Lin Yun from approaching carelessly.

Though the True Dragon had perished, its majesty lingered. Lin Yun meekly asked Qiuping, "You're sure this dragon is dead, right?"


"Then I'm relieved."

Without Qiuping needing to say it, Lin Yun knew that the most valuable thing in this Dragon Tomb was of course the dragon's corpse itself.

The Azure Dragon Gu Worm inside his body became excited. It shared a faint bloodline of a True Dragon, and pure True Dragon Qi was greatly attractive to those of the Dragon Clan.

Unfortunately, such a giant dragon was clearly something Lin Yun knew he couldn't take with him, and with many powerhouses outside fighting, it wouldn't take long for them to come over. In fact, Lin Yun felt that even entertaining the idea of taking the Dragon Corpse was like pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth.


Seeing such a prime opportunity, with treasures right in front of him and the powerhouses holding each other at bay, if he didn't dare to seize even a little bit of fortune, he would be overly timid.

Yet, he wasn't greedy, settling for taking some Dragon Blood, peeling off a couple of Dragon Scales to last a few years, and seeing if he could extract a Dragon Tendon maybe.

And yes, the Dragon Whip!

It was said that a Tiger Whip was potent, so wouldn't a Dragon Whip be even stronger?

He wasn't necessarily saying he wanted to eat it, but since he was already here, he might as well cut it and take it with him.

Without further hesitation, Lin Yun leaped onto the platform where the Red Dragon lay and made straight for the dragon's belly. This perplexing act stunned Qiuping. Was this person insane? The defense of a dragon's scales was incredibly strong; King Pingxi himself couldn't break through. Although the Dragon Ball was inside the corpse, one absolutely couldn't break in from the outside to retrieve it.

Qiuping didn't realize that Lin Yun hadn't even thought about the Dragon Ball at all.

That is to say...

Lin Yun was equivalent to a functionally illiterate person in the Cultivation World, and didn't know that the Dragon Ball was the most precious part of a True Dragon. All he thought about was scrambling to grab some things and then quickly make his escape.

However, as he jogged towards the rear legs of the Red Dragon, Lin Yun couldn't help but feel a headache coming on.

Where the hell did this dragon's body part grow from?

Doesn't matter, first crawl under the dragon's tail to take a look, and if I can't find anything, just forget it and scoop up a couple of scales and run.

There was a significant gap between the dragon corpse's hind legs and its body, and that was where Lin Yun had entered. It was just large enough to accommodate him and provided a good hiding spot. Even if someone arrived later, they wouldn't detect him immediately.

Lin Yun happily rubbed his hands together, ready to pry off a scale to try his luck, however...

"It seems like I didn't bring a knife..."

Now he was in trouble. Lin Yun could only pull out the two Golden Crystal Stones from his bag.

The absence of universally available spatial rings in this Cultivation World was truly annoying. It meant that Lin Yun could only carry a small pouch, and it didn't hold much.

Dongfang Hongyue definitely had one; she often produced things from seemingly nowhere. Next time, I'll see if I can get one from her.

As Lin Yun plotted how to mooch off her, he also took the Golden Crystal Stones and started to grind at the gaps between the dragon scales.

There was nothing to do but to take it slow.

While he was busy at work, ripples appeared on the opposite wall, and two men, both in yellow robes, stepped into the tomb.

These were none other than Daoist Master Huang Long and his Huang Jiao.

Catching sight of the True Dragon right in front of him, Huang Jiao instinctively covered his head, seemingly in some pain, while Daoist Master Huang Long excitedly exclaimed,

"A True Dragon, it's really a True Dragon, and an intact one at that! Hahaha!"

His laughter startled Lin Yun, who dared not move carelessly.

Luckily, he had hidden well enough that Daoist Master Huang Long wouldn't just walk over to his hiding spot. Normally, he would do a psychic scan first to check for anyone's presence. Thanks to Lin Yun having the Azure Dragon Gu Worm to aid his stealth, he avoided immediate detection.

But if he made any noise, Daoist Master Huang Long would surely notice.

Lin Yun had no idea if the newcomers were from the Righteous Path or the Demonic Path. From what he had seen, in this world, it didn't really matter whether one was from the Righteous Path or the Demonic Path; they were pretty much the same.

When it comes to benefits, who cares about right or wrong? Only strength is the capital that speaks.

Knowing his own capabilities, Lin Yun decisively abandoned any thought of concentrating and instead complained inwardly. Why is it that the protagonists in other stories always seem to face opponents that are just challenging enough that they can win if they fight cleverly?

Yet, from his debut, he had never met an opponent he could beat...


Suddenly, Huang Jiao transformed back into his original form, and with a roar, he even startled Daoist Master Huang Long.

"Why are you roaring so loudly?"

Daoist Master Huang Long smacked Huang Jiao on the forehead reproachfully. Haven't you heard that fortune comes in by a quiet approach?

Usually, Huang Jiao would not resist, but this time, he slapped Daoist Master Huang Long and sent him flying.

Daoist Master Huang Long almost spat out blood after being flung away and complained with a sense of injustice, "Why are you so easily angered today?"

However, seeing Huang Jiao writhing painfully on the ground, wildly slapping about, Daoist Master Huang Long realized the issue. Huang Jiao was stimulated by the Dragon Qi and had fallen into madness.

"Calm down a bit."

Daoist Master Huang Long cast a spell, attempting to control Huang Jiao, but his spell only made Huang Jiao's turmoil even worse. With a flick of his tail, one of the chains locking the dragon corpse broke, causing the dragon corpse to roll to the side. Fortunately, Lin Yun dodged quickly, or else he would have been crushed to death, which would have been quite the joke.

But from this roll, Lin Yun caught a glimpse of the True Dragon's belly, and a scale that was growing in reverse...