Chapter 32 I Really Didn't Do Whatever I Said

When Ao Gong instinctively tried to dodge, it was already too late.

As soon as the dark aura on his body encountered the Golden Fire Lotus unleashed by Lin Yun, it was like gas meeting an open flame, igniting instantly.

While Ao Gong launched his Dragon Flame, Lin Yun countered by intercepting it with his own Fire Domain.

While healing Bai Jiaojiao, Lin Yun had realized that his Golden Fire Seed was definitely of higher quality than Ao Gong's Dragon Flame. However, his realm was lower, so it was unlikely that he could actually harm Ao Gong.

So, his challenge was simply to demonstrate his extraordinary gift, hoping that Ao Gong would value his Fire Seed and temporarily spare his life.

As long as he remained alive, there was a chance reinforcements could arrive.

In life, one should always hold onto some hope.


Events unfolded in a way that Lin Yun didn't anticipate.

When Ao Gong's entire dragon form caught fire, Lin Yun was also dumbfounded.