Chapter 62 Master Save Me

Dongfang Hongyue charged out of the fog first.

Her thoughts were the same as Lin Yun's, if they couldn't find their teammates, it was no big deal, they just had to charge in one direction and be done with it, especially since she was just a Fire Spirit Avatar.

Dongfang Hongyue felt that she had really created an invincible spell, and in the future, she could operate several sockpuppets by herself. Unfortunately, they couldn't be preserved for long, and they were quite costly in terms of Spirit Stones, which made her already modest resources dwindle even further.

On her way, Dongfang Hongyue faced no obstructions. Then, she dashed out of the fog and a palace appeared before her.

Above it were the words "Thousand Dream Hall."

Walking into the hall, Dongfang Hongyue saw thousands of mirrors, and as her gaze fell upon them, images began to emerge.

She saw Liu Ji, engaged in combat with Fang Yu.

The Shenxiao Sect Leader came in too?