Chapter 135 Unobstructed Communication

Lin Yu looked at the two discussing whether to read her book at night or during the day, and her face also struggled to maintain composure.

She certainly knew the contents of the book and realized some parts were meant only for adults. Seeing Lin Yun find out she possessed such a book still made her somewhat shy.

Moreover, Wang Wanqiu had previously suggested Lin Yun become her furnace, and now, should Lin Yun misunderstand her intentions, even his filial piety might be corrupted.

"This book contains many principles worthy of reference. The eyes of a cultivator should not focus solely on worldly matters,"

Lin Yu said solemnly.

She wasn't lying -- she read Yuewei's Miscellany because it truly explained Longevity Methods.

According to Mr. Yuewei's theory, a stone thrown higher will eventually fall, and finding ways to prolong its descent is the method of longevity.

And suspending the stone with a rope would be the method for eternal life.