Chapter 448: Master, Why Not Hire Another Maid?

As Lin Yun led his people away from the Three Sacred Mountain Range, the mountains themselves were engulfed in chaos.

The stench of death grew thicker, filling the hearts of everyone present with unease.

Yuquan looked at Yuxuan with a complex expression. By now, it was crystal clear what Yuxuan was plotting.

Yuquan had never imagined Yuxuan would be so bold as to do something so preposterous.

But at this point, questioning it was meaningless.

"Did you anticipate today's events long ago?"

Yuquan asked with a complicated look on his face.

"I suppose so, there are things one does and does not do."

"Then what exactly are you doing this for, Senior Brother? For your own selfish desires, or for the good of the world?"

Yuquan didn't understand; he had never been able to see through his senior brother, not knowing what he really wanted. His senior brother had always been righteous, but now, Yuquan found it hard to distinguish between his good and evil, righteousness and wickedness.