The sudden voice sent a wave of panic through her heart; having been bound in this strangely indescribable place for a long time, she could see nothing but the moon that was gradually approaching from the sky.
The voice that appeared now, along with the sudden image above her head, gave Zhen Li the feeling that a bad person had come.
"Who are you!"
Zhen Li was somewhat frightened; after all, she hadn't witnessed many grand scenes before, and this was by far the most terrifying and strange one.
She felt as insignificant as an ant on the ground, at the mercy of others.
"An old acquaintance."
The voice resonated within Zhen Li's heart, still so shadowy and icy cold, yet for some reason, it made her feel a bit of pity for the speaker.
She always felt that the owner of the voice must have suffered a lot.
"An old acquaintance... When did I meet such a formidable person?"