"... For external matters, consult Hongling; for internal matters, consult Hong Ye. Both are my most trusted aides. With them at the helm, you have nothing to worry about,"
As for the arrangements of the Red Lotus Sect, that was all Dongfang Hongyue could delegate up to this point.
Since she started writing, she had detailed many official affairs, yet not a single word about her feelings for Lin Yun appeared on the paper. These were the thoughts that occupied her mind the most, yet she was unable to express them in writing.
After a slight hesitation, Dongfang Hongyue still penned: "With this parting, we may never meet again. Take care, and do not linger on thoughts of me."
A torrent of words ultimately condensed into a single sentence, further expressions of reluctance or deep affections would only add to the sorrow at this moment. Saying less was better than saying more.
She could only hope that the woman by Lin Yun's side would be able to comfort him.