The Dragon King, the Han family's live-in son-in-law, and the ancient shy fish

After sorting out his emotions, Li Chu set off for hope fishing village.

It was time to deliver the dragonification fruit.

Looking at fishing village had borrowed the empty ship from the villagers and had even asked a few sailors to help. He had wanted to hire them, but the villagers said that there was no need.

These were the most honest people of Heluo. Anyone who helped them once would be remembered forever.

The journey out to sea this time was unusually smooth. There was no storm like last time. When they reached the nearby Sea area, they could see the Golden Yongle Island from afar.

Li Chu's eyes burned with desire when he saw the golden light.

Deyun temple would become like this sooner or later!

When the ship reached the shore, it was still the Butler who led the team and warmly welcomed the guests to disembark.

Just like the last time, the sailors received a warning from their wives and did not dare to go down.

Li Chu went to the island alone.