Chapter 97! orchid butterfly gliding through the clouds, body steps

On the cover of the book in the old shopkeeper's hand, there were seven flamboyant words.

[ orchid Butterfly Cloud gliding steps ]


Compared to the thick and flamboyant titles of the previous books, this secret manual exuded a sense of high level from the name alone.

"This footwork is amazing. It's said that it was created by a swordswoman with the surname tie in the pugilistic world, and it was carried forward by her grandson. Once he uses it, he'll be as fast as lightning and as ghostly as a ghost!"

"It's just that this movement technique is extremely difficult to cultivate. No one has been able to master it for the past hundred years, and it's almost lost. It's said that if you practice it to the extreme, even if you walk through an Army of ten thousand, no one will be able to touch you."

The old shopkeeper said in a flowery tone, his exaggerated tone no different from before.