My dear disciple, do you want to go to school

The next morning.

Li Chu took the earliest boat back to Yuhang Town.

Helping the Qin family to exorcise the evil was only a small interlude. No matter how noisy that brat from the Qin family was, he was nothing more than a kitchen cabinet ghost.

For ordinary cultivators, a talisman could solve the problem.

Li Chu was completely clueless about the art of creating talismans, so he had no choice but to go personally.

Speaking of which, there were many Daoist temples in the hang Zhou Prefecture. He was really interested in learning some basic Daoist techniques, such as talisman-making, alchemy, dharmic seal, and so on.

However, he already had a master and didn't know if he was willing to teach.

This was also a story for later.

The most serious problem at the moment was still Wang longqi's life.

The disappearance of destiny without any clues, the strange disaster that even the mighty figures of the decapitation stage were helpless against.