A fight between Immortals

A rabbit that was running at lightning speed suddenly realized that it was suspended in the air. Its four short legs struggled madly in the air, but unfortunately, it could not escape the demon's claws.


The light exploded, and only a round seed was left in the air.

"Immortal Gu seed."

A smile appeared on priest sang's dark face, as if the earth had cracked.

He raised his hand and took the immortal Gu seed, putting it away. Suddenly, he heard a rumble in the distance. He scanned with his divine sense and frowned.

"Hmph," he snorted.

Then, he took a step forward and snorted coldly.


A white feather instantly disappeared.


A dazzling red waterfall descended from the sky, and the true energy poured onto the Vajra slave's body like a tidal wave. However, he seemed to be getting more and more excited.

"Again! Pfft-"

He spat out a mouthful of blood as soon as he finished shouting.