Back, it's finally back

"Master, there's something wrong with this Kasaya, right?"

"What do you mean the disciples of Kongtong Sect will teach you first?" du Lanke asked hesitantly.

"You said it yourself, the one who has reached first." Li Chu smiled. I only know some unrated techniques. You were once the leader of a temple. That's why I wanted to ask you if you've mastered any divine powers.

"Divine power Kasaya!" Dulanke scratched his head and smiled."In fact, our Nancheng temple has only inherited the sword control technique for many years,"

Li Chu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The sword control technique was good.

Shouldn't immortal cultivators learn the sword control technique?

What's the point of learning iron cloth?

Du Lanke looked at the desire in Li Chu's eyes and was confused.

This little Taoist priest who was so happy because of the sword control technique, was he really the great God who killed all creations with a cold sword?