Chapter 45-the original title was killed

The clear water and the blue sky.

Daoist priest Li JR. Was standing beside the fishing boat with his sword on his back.

Madam mu quietly approached him and put her hand on his shoulder. She asked softly, " "Little Daoist priest li, have you found anything?"

Li Chu took a step back and avoided her.

He looked at this beautiful wife who didn't seem to be worried about becoming a widow. In fact, she even looked forward to it.

"I haven't found any traces of people," he answered calmly.

In fact, as soon as the heart's eye spell was activated, a large area of the water upstream and downstream had been scanned, and there was indeed no sign of anyone alive.


He did find a few auras that were similar to evil spirits.

Therefore, Li Chu did not stop the boat from going downstream.

He didn't find the person, but he had to kill a few of the monsters. At least he didn't make a wasted trip.