I'm the mole

High up in the sky, the astral winds were like blades.

In this season, the sky would feel a bone-chilling cold.

But at this time, there was a big turtle flying leisurely in the sky. From a distance, it was not fast or slow, and wherever it passed, it hit the surrounding clouds and caused them to ripple. It was as if it was swimming in the sea.

They headed north.

Its body was pale green, but its shell was grayish-white, as if it was covered in a layer of dust. When he got closer, he could clearly see that the grayish-white was not what it grew on, but a layer of dense inscriptions on its body, as if it were a talisman.

In addition, there were four other people sitting on the turtle shell.

The four of them were silent.

The few ghostly talents sent by the Black Tortoise prison guard in the North, including commander Xuan Dou, constellation guard Xuan nu, Xuan Niu, and Xuan Xu, sat there quietly, letting the astral winds brush against their faces.