The first round of the flower Capital Conference

On this day, it snowed heavily.

However, before the snowflakes could land on the ground, they were about to be dried by the hot atmosphere of shenluo city.

Because on this day, the highly anticipated flower Capital Conference had begun.

As the saying goes.

The sound of gongs and drums, the sound of firecrackers, the fluttering of red flags, and the sea of people.

Li Chu sat quietly in the front hall of the de Yun sub-temple, which was far away from the flower Street, but he could feel the uproar over there.

On the other hand, the usually lively temple was empty and quiet.

Early in the morning, the Fox girl came looking for him.

"Master, you understand me."

I don't want to join in the fun, " she said, a little embarrassed. but the baby Thunder Dragon hasn't been out for a long time. I want to take it out to see the world.

As she spoke, she patted the little fat Dragon beside her. isn't that so? "
