Dragon's Tooth town at the bottom of Dragon extinction mountain

After a moment of silence in the chamber, Li Chu pondered for a moment after listening to langyuguan's story, " "Speaking of the old crickets in the Dragon end mountain, crickets."

He remembered that he had just seen an old woman who had almost crushed all the heroes outside Yaowang town. It was said that she was also of the age of a young girl, and they seemed somewhat similar. He didn't know if they were related, so he told lang Yuguan about it.

"I'll send someone to invite her over," lang Yuguan replied.

After instructing his disciples to do so, he said, " "Several junior brothers have gone to find shizun, so the doctors in the outer regions are of no use. Now, I'm the only one supporting the town, and I have no choice but to reduce the number of patients I receive every day. Alas, if shizun were here, he would definitely treat those patients no matter what."