Secret snow, ice city

It danced in the sky and was a barren land.

This was the true appearance of this World of Ice and snow.

As far as the eye could see, there was no trace of green, or rather, there was no other color. It was all silver-white.

The tall Snow Beast ran in the strong wind on all fours. Its appearance was like an enlarged polar bear. Because of its huge body, its movements looked a little slow, but it was actually not slow.

Li Chu and the other two were also sitting on the snow beast's back. They felt that it was quite stable.

In front of him was a snowman about the same height as an ordinary person. It had a round head, a somewhat angular face, large eyes, and facial features similar to that of a human. Its torso was also a huge snowball, and its four limbs were pieced together by Lotus-shaped snowballs. Only a small snowball formed a fist, without fingers.

It looked like a rustling sound.

It was quite cute.