May heaven have no teammates

The gold Bodhisattva left peacefully.


When the Golden Palm suppressed Li Chu, there was a short moment when the Golden Bodhisattva thought he was going to succeed.


Li Chu was right under the giant palm.

With a thunderous boom, the golden light on the palm quickly receded. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a towering mountain. This was the gold Bodhisattva's world, and all the rules were under his control. The mountain seemed to be made of diamond, and its weight was more than ten million units. It was meant to press the little Daoist under it.

The gold Bodhisattva planned to stick another seal talisman on the mountain to seal him for 500 years. Then, he would ask other young monks to come and release him. If he was still alive, he would protect the young monk and go west with him.

Naturally, he would be waiting for him in the Western Heaven to come and worship.

At the thought of this, the gold Bodhisattva almost laughed proudly.