You have to praise me

"Baby, why aren't you eating? It's a very precious ingredient in our Jinque Kingdom."

"Baby, I'll take a break before eating."

After the conversation just now, everyone was satisfied. Empress Ming Yan ordered the palace servants to remove that table of food and wine and replace it with a new one.

The little koi fish frowned, a little unhappy.

The dishes just now were quite delicious, but why were the new ones all strange? oysters, sea cucumber, leeks, Chinese yam, and steamed buns?

Wang longqi looked at Yu Qi 'an with sympathy.

Old abbey Dean, the Empress wants you dead.

Yu Qi 'an replied with a calm expression.

It was just a small scene, but it was nothing.

Just as the host and the guest were enjoying themselves, a Palace servant suddenly rushed forward and said, " "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

Empress Ming Yan glared at him and said,"Just say it, we're not outsiders."