Li Chu's fight with Black Orchid

Just as the three of them were in a heated argument and couldn't decide who would win or lose ...

A gust of wind whistled outside. Suddenly, a black wind swept in from the distant sky and landed on the ground, turning into a handsome Man in Black. His eyes were full of sinister and greedy eyes.

"Venerable Black Orchid!" The village chief scuttled out of the house with a few respectful servants. you've come here this time. Are you preparing to seize the immortal encounter? "

"Naturally," Hei Lanzi did not look them in the eye. Instead, she stared straight at the house in front of her and said, " "In the future, I will reward you based on your contributions. You guys can all get a bite of immortal meat to eat."

"Ah ya ya ya ya." The people behind him immediately knelt down and kowtowed, shouting, " "Thank you, venerable one, for your great kindness."