Chapter 65-a peaceful day

It was a peaceful day.

The sun shone through the window, and the dust particles floated up and down. There were insects chirping outside the window, and in the distance, there was a clear blue sky.

The desk exuded the fragrance of paper.

Chen Huaiji woke up from his desk and stretched his back. He looked at the time and saw that it was still early for his duty to end, so he could catch up on some sleep. He immediately lay down again.

He had performed well during his service in the southern border. After he was finally transferred back to the Hangzhou Prefecture, he even received a small promotion and a raise. Although she was still far from being a white-clothed person, she was no longer the kind of little black-clothed person who needed to run errands outside.

Instead, they were the civil servants of the black-robed guards who were sitting and working in the station.