Section 1: Dragon-man Youth

Over the dense jungle canopy, suddenly a flock of colorful birds took flight.

A sharp scimitar carved a gleaming path through the air, slicing the obstructing vines in two.

Continually hacking with the scimitar, they finally cleaved a narrow pathway.

Leading the way were two members of the Human Race, one wielding a scimitar, while the other grasped a broad-bladed battle axe in both hands.

Behind them stretched a long line.

Most of the group was of the Human Race, but there were also Beastmen, Half-Elves, Half-Beasts, and so on.

Their equipment was not top-notch; many were clad only in cotton armor, not leather armor. A few carried crossbows and long guns. The majority, however, wielded melee weapons, with scimitars being the most common.

Their appearances were far from neat, many were exceedingly scruffy with disheveled hair and a mouth full of yellow teeth. Some reeked so heavily, they seemed not to have bathed in ages.