Chapter 2


A week later, Rory and Lauren have learnt the names of their new employees of the Inn.

Room server's:

Hannah Kane,

Paul Riley,

Rory's new boyfriend Derek! Yes.. Derek!

Bianca Taylor

Samuel Maxwell AKA, Derek's brother and Luke's other son.

Kitchen Staff:

Melissa Hough,

Brooke Thomas,

Kelly Maxwell, AKA Luke's sister

Alexia Wheaton

Matthew Scott

Well Mom, we're starting off good! Rory said. We need to give everyone a practice run and see how good they are at their jobs and give only the room server's part time shifts to help manage how to pay them for their hard days work. We have their phone numbers, so we can always keep in touch with them. We need to call them all in. Rory! Yes mom, I'm proud of you for everything you're doing. Lauren is taken by how much hard work Rory is doing! Mom, you're not doing this alone. Rory felt with compassion. I love you Kiddo, I love you too Mom.

Rory! Hey Mitzi, Rory already knew who Mitzi was. Rory, who's this ? Mitzi asked! I take this is your mom Lauren ? Yes Mom, this is Mitzi, she's the town mayor's sister. Oh how nice! Lauren said. Well hello Mitzi Welcome to our Bed & Breakfast Inn. It sure is beautifully well decorated and put together. I was here at the party, but I didn't want anyone to see me, so I can hear all the good comments people were saying about the inn. Nothing, but the best I have heard! Word is Your Inn is a hit! Really ? Lauren was anxiously happy. Yes, and some said they wouldn't care to come a lot more if you guy's kept having parties like you had.

Wow! Hannah was shocked.. looking at Lauren. Really ? Yes! Mitzi answered with a smile on her face. Oh the wonderful food was superb! A lot of them had nothing but great compliments about the food! In fact it was superb! How come we didn't see you come in ? Rory asked! Because Honey, I may be every where but I'm like a cat! I can sneak in anywhere. Oh wow, Lauren murmured to keep Mitzi from hearing, she's a cat! Mom.. Rory stopped her.

Derek walked in. Hey Mitzi, what are you doing here ? Oh, just getting to know Rory and her mom. Well, I know these two well and you couldn't find better people to own such a lovely inn. Obviously! Mitzi felt like she needed to leave and let them get to work. Well I'm gonna scatter and let you guys do your job. See you Rory! See you Lauren, and walking by Derek! And see you Derek. See you later Mitzi!

So I'm here to help. What should I do ? Lauren gives him a run down and gives him a little job to se how well he's good at his job. Well I'd like to see how you manage cleaning can you clean around here and stack these books and dust around here ? I sure can, I keep my room clean, so I sure can keep this place in tip top shape. Derek said! Rory stays behind the desk and decides to relax to some music, Derek hear's it and suggested that Rory turn it up to where he can listen too. Wow you listen to music do you ? Lauren asked! Sure, who doesn't love music. Derek looked obviously like he loved it. Well how about I turn my Bluetooth on and everyone can hear it even from outside the inn. Rory suggested! Yeah.. you attract more customers like that around here. Derek said! " COOL " Well, I love that you two got acquainted now I'd like to see how good you are. Yes mam! Don't do that! Lauren suggested! Do what ? Derek asked! Call me mam, makes me feel older then I am. Sure. I won't say it anymore.

The music was soft indie Folk music.

Wow now that I love. I just love your taste in Music Rory. Really ? Rory asked! Yeah.. So what are you doing ? Oh I'm reading! Whatcha reading A Debbie Macomber book! Rory said! She writes those books that they make hallmark of don't she ? Yes she does. I just love reading while I'm listening to soft music. I do too. Creates an amazing atmosphere for relaxing. It sure does. Rory said!

2. Things get heated up.

Hannah and Paul walk in the door.. Rory then hear's their conversation and noticed Derek's watching them. Derek if you don't mind my asking you to come here ? When he did, she demanded him to keep doing his job despite the conversation between Hannah and Paul and told him the least they hear then they can't say they have witnesses to back up both sides of their story. Ok DOLL! Derek said smiling back at Rory and went back to cleaning.

Hannah! I precisely went there Thinking I wanted to do something special for you. So you decided this yourself ? Hannah said. Hannah all I wanted you to to be happy for once, but you can't seem to do that without consulting your mom first.

I have to Paul, Hannah said. She's my mom I tell her everything. So you tell her everything don't you ? Yes I have to tell her everything that I'm doing and everywhere that I go if I don't she worries about me. That's why she calls me so much every day I am away from the house with my friends or with you. She's just concerned what's wrong with you ? You, You are what's wrong! I can't believe I trusted you. Paul said, I told you I loved you and I wanted to surprise you with a promise ring. Paul said with a broken heart. So there's something wrong with me ?Hannah said! I didn't say there's something wrong with you! It's the way you've been acting, Paul said! You think every little thing that me and you talk about you have to run to your mommy like a little baby. Hannah starts crying, she's my mom and she's my best friend. Hannah I get you and your mom are best friends, but what about me where do I fit in ? Paul You are my boyfriend you're my soulmate, soulmate Paul questions himself. If I was your soulmate Then why do you treat me differently ? Paul asked! You treat me differently when we are around your parents and then treat me another way we were not around them. I thought we was exclusive, Paul said! Questioning Hannah in his mind.

That is a promise ring a promise that we will always be together no matter where we are even we were distant from another, and no matter how far one of us may go we are still close to each other's heart. Hannah! Paul being discreetly about the subject. I don't wanna talk about this, Hannah said! It's just a promise ring and yes I got excited when I saw the ring, I hid it so I'd always knows where it's at and so I won't lose it and my mom found it! You don't know what it's like to live in a house with a mom who's controlling and tells you want to do and controls your whole life and your every move. Yes, yes I do! Paul said! My mom and dad did me the same way. When my dad saw how happy I was and my mom knew when we first met that we would end up dating she told him. He tell me to grow up and be a man if I was gonna date then I had to run by him with every detail or he wouldn't allow me to get my driver's and start driving. I had to grow up fast!

When I decided to get you that promise ring, mom kept it hid from my dad, because she knew he wouldn't approve of it unless I was serious. So I finally got serious about our relationship and my mom convinced me to go on ahead and give the ring to you and let you wear it as a symbol of our relationship and how strongly we feel about one another. My dad did flip out on me, but you know what it was worth it. Paul said! I told him that I was in love I told him it was just a promise ring, that it wasn't an engagement ring, he told me to get rid of it! Then I decided after talking to my mom, we both agreed, If our love is this strong then I needed to prove it. Paul said.

Well God love your heart Paul, Hannah said. If you love me that much that you would go for miles to find me a promise ring then you are worth every mile. Yeah well, because you told your mom about this ring my dad tell me that your dad called him to let him know I've gotten your ring, Paul Said! But I told you not to tell anyone until me and you both can tell everyone together, but you just get wait could you ? Now my dad is upset and angry at me for thinking that I have bought you an engagement ring. Paul said. You know what Hannah, you need to learn when and when not to open your mouth to your mom! You know what Paul like I said my mom is my best friend. I'll tell her everything. If I don't tell her anything at all, she will hassle me until I tell her.

Well Hannah, I understand you and your mom are best friends, but there is a time when you have to consider keeping things to yourself until you know for sure when it's time to tell someone. Paul said! So I'm sorry I brought this up, I love you Hannah. I love you too Paul! Let's not fight again, Hannah said! Putting her arms around Paul's neck! Hannah this was not a fight, Paul said! This was just a little disappointing, because you didn't tell me you were gonna tell your mom. We could have avoided this situation if you would have just come to me first. You know how my dad is when it comes to me dating. Yeah I do know, Hannah agreed! He is scary. Well we need to do what we came here to do. To do our job. Oh no Rory, we're sorry you had to hear that! Oh it's not right, Rory said! I was just reading my book.

3. In comes of the rest of the cooks. The helping hand's in the kitchen Through the door and behind them is the rest of the servers. " Hey Derek " my wonderful nephew, aunt Kelly greeted Derek as she walks through the door. Hey aunt Kelly, Derek answered back! Hi Kelly, Rory walked over to greet Kelly.

Mom should be down in a bit, Sam should be in the kitchen. Oh ok, I'll just sit here and wait on them. Kelly said! Where is she by the way ? Derek asked Rory! She said she was going upstairs and said she'd be back down.

Hey Rory! Lauren came downstairs to see if her or Derek heard from everyone else. Oh, hey guy's! Listen Sam is in the kitchen. So all the cooks go to the kitchen and she'll train you. The rest of you follow me. Oh wait! She stopped Derek where he was. Derek, that's enough, you can stop right now. It's time for training! So everyone follow me. We're going from room to room Cleaning to see how you handle some situations when and whenever they do happen.

A new guest approached the porch rang the doorbell. Hardly a minute past before I woman answer the door she was a medium height much younger than he expected when he booked the reservation. I think brown hair was shoulderlength was a part down the middle. Her ass right piercing shade of blue not unlock a summer sky. When he booked the reservation the woman on the other end of the line has sounded outer, as if she were in her 60s. The woman standing Before him was young mid 30's.

Hi my name is Rory, well hello Rory! My name is Blake, Blake Thompson! I have a reservation. Taken by his looks and those gorgeous gray eyes that would make a woman think he's scary handsome and gorgeous black hair that would make a woman want to put her fingers through. She stepped aside, Megan way in order for him to eat with a large home. Like enter the foyer and was instantly warmed a small crackled  in the fireplace and smelt a freshly baked bread set to his mouth to watering. Blake  couldn't remember the last time he'd smelled bread direct from the oven. His mother had baked bread, but that was years ago. " Something smells wonderful. "I've always enjoyed baking. Blake said! I hope you have a good appetite! Rory said.. Oh I do actually, I'm starving.. Blake said!

Derek felt some competition trying to start. Rory couldn't keep her eyes off this guy. Derek said in his head! Is this gonna happen every time a handsome man walks through that door. He looked to See Hannah having googly eyes too. Paul felt tension flaring up, what is it with women ? He thought to himself! If it takes a handsome face to attract a woman's attention then maybe I need to start working on my looks. Derek thought to himself!

Blake set his luggage down on the floor and throw his leather jacket on top. Uh Rory, Hannah got Rory's attention to distract her! Will you take Blakes luggage and stuff to his room ? Like now. Lori looked at Hannah as if she knew what Hannah was doing. So instead of Rory picking up his luggage and leather jacket she herself suggested Hannah go take it to his things to his room. Since Hannah just started work Rory wanted to see Hannah walk away doing her job and showing everyone how it's done.

See everyone now that's how you greet a customer, Rory said to make a point and make Hannah know she was on to her. So Hannah turned around before she walked upstairs and looked at Rory like Rory just became her enemy, like her first enemy that found hannah's weakness. Hannah then picks up the Blake's things and takes it to his room. On the way she's murmuring to herself, Rory you don't really know who you're messing with I know who your boyfriend is so don't start playing games, because I know every game a girl plays to get what she wants. Back into the living room Derek suggested that Blake should introduce himself so they all can get to know him. Rory looked towards upstairs and while walking off she knew Hannah in a way would talk back to her as she was taking Blake's things to his room. Hannah you don't mess with me! Rory said inside her head.

4. A new visitor!

So as they start getting to know Blake Everyone starts asking question's. So Blake, Rory is itching to find his occupation and his age what he does for a living! So where are you from? Rory asked! Well I'm from Beverly Hills in California. Really ? Bianca said with a surprised voice. Ha ha, yeah I'm from Beverly Hills California I'm a model and I used to bake in culinary arts in the culinary arts institute in California. Not only did I bet things but I will fix anything and everything that was inside as in maybe crème brûlée baked Alaska, Caviar, crab legs, sushi, pizzas breads soups that you've never even heard of diet with guys I'm gonna just bought everything that I do. So it seems like it Paul said!

Well guys I didn't actually introduce myself other than my occupation and where I live, But as a teenager I can say this I used to be a lifeguard at a public pool. Wow, Rory was stunned to find out. Derek looked at Rory To see her face glowing. Like I asked myself earlier what is with women? Derek said to himself. I am however 34 years old, I'm not married, I've never had kids, I have dated and that had been about four years ago, because by that time I got a job being a model so my career literally meant more to me then anything. I would say so Bianca said out loud and unfortunately embarrassed herself a little bit.

So another thing that I would like to learn more about you! Rory said, so I just love music what kind of music are you into ? Blake replied back with a charming smile showing off his sparkling pearl white teeth. I was speechless to hear that! Blake said, Actually I am more likely into jazz like smooth jazz, soft jazz like anything that's elegant and classic even old music from Frank Sinatra, Aretha Franklin, you know anything classic and elegant and yet I like a little bit of R&B.. Wow, I quite enjoy the same music.

Rory said! Yeah it sure does seem like it. I heard the music coming up the road so it kind of led me here and actually had a reservation here so you know when I heard the music I knew someone had a good taste in music, but I was asking myself when I pulled up, Why someone knew I was coming.

Well, does anyone want to give me a tour of the INN ? Blake asked! Well Rory, said I will give you a grand tour later on. Right now I was supposed to be training everyone on their first job. Oh so these people here are workers? Yeah they just started today actually we had our grand reopening party just last week and today we asked everyone to come in For training and then afterward We all can either order takeout pizza or we can get our cooks to fix us something for dinner. Our new staff cooks that we interview the other night Is it being trained in the kitchen that our chef Chef Samantha so if you ever need her for anything let her know that if there is something that you like to eat that only you eat on an occasion then she'll be happy to fix you something for breakfast, snack, lunch, or dinner. Like whatever it is that you like.

Oh well! Since I'm here ! Blake wanted to suggest that he stay a little while. But Before continuing this conversation he stopped for a dramatic affect Long enough to clear his voice. How about I stay for a while and help out in the kitchen? Oh no. You don't have to, that's why our chef is in there training cooks right now. But you don't mind me staying longer do you ? No we're not mind at all! Rory said.. So you clearly don't mind that maybe I can teach the chef some new techniques to cooking? Blake suggested.

Well I'm just like to be in the beauty and the beast movie " Be our guest " Rory said! Everyone noticed how Rory was the only one asking questions so Paul jumped in to ask a favor from Blake. So Blake! How long have you been a model? Paul asked! Well for over 4 years. How did you become a model? Well I was in a mall shopping in Aeropostale and I was followed and I thought someone was following me. I felt kind of weird and the more I kept walking away to get away from them then they caught me and stopped me when I was going into Abercrombie and Fitch and They asked if I had ever thought about modeling. I didn't know what to say to them and they told me how much it paid and explained to me that it would give me a chance to travel across the world! So I took their offer!

Wow, what places have you been so far ? Derek asked! Because he had been across the world as well but for different reasons. Especially when Luke was dating Tiffany the bookkeeper's mom, because her business was modeling before she lost the job and it forced her back home. She would take them so they could have more vacation's together as she would be posing as a modeling for the cover of different magazines, she let Tiffany stay with her or her grandparents so Luke and the boys can have themselves a vacation as a family.

Well, I have been to Hawaii, Fiji, Maldives, Puerto Rico, Italy, Brazil, different places in Florida, and Paris. Wow, that's freaking awesome Bianca said shouting out loud. Uh Bianca! Rory stopped Bianca, Yes. We're all here we're not deaf. Oh ok I'm Sorry.

The whole time Hannah found Lauren and suggested she help Train her and by that time Rory asked where Hannah went! Oh you mean that chick who carried my luggage, I saw her with some woman. Oh yeah, that's my mom. She must be training her. Yeah, she looked pretty mad when she left Blake said. She'll be alright Paul said! She's like that when we meet new people.

5. Rory was always a flirt, that's just how she's always been since she was in high school. Blake's smile is  warm and engaging. She hesitated more reason to her own interest. Blake still trying to do assimilate the fact that the beautiful woman in the room was Rory. " Coffee? " She asked if she headed into the kitchen " Ah, sure. " Rory filled a mug and handed it to him.

Guys, mom's upstairs I'm sure she needs you all up there with Hannah so She can train you all. Yeah, we should go. Bianca said! This is our first day and she's suppose to be training us. We need to get up there and do our job. We're behind you B. Samuel said!

On their way upstairs Derek looks at Rory like he's angry and turns to leave to make her think he's leaving and comes back. Rory ? Derek asked! Let's go out later. If today is a success we can go anywhere after everyone leaves. Ok, sure.. Well! Rory ? Yes Derek! He walks to her and gives her her first kiss in front The cooks and Blake!

Derek then walks off and heads upstair's. Now there Derek, that's my girl! Don't cross me. He said to himself. Who are you talking to ? He jumped, because Hannah scared him to death. Uhh No one, it's none of your business anyways. Uh Ok, what's climbed up your britches and made you mad ? Hannah it's none of your business. Derek said!

Back in the kitchen Rory and Blake is still in deep conversation. Blake had a difficult time keeping his eyes off her. She stood on one for the kitchen counter He remained On the other. He pulled out of the stool and sit down. Blake continued to stare at her from the top of the of the rim of the coffee mug. Blake took one Last sip of his coffee and set the mug on the counter. " No need to keep putting this off let's go outside and talk " or you can give me a tour. Sure! Rory agreed

So Rory what are some of your hobbies ? Well, obviously you know my love of music. Rory said! I love to Read, I listen to podcasts, I sketch houses and I love to journal, Oh and I'd love to learn photography. " My mom " Lauren took photography in college, " No way " My mom did too. Derek said! With a smile on his face.

Well shouldn't we go so I can give you my tour of the place. By the time they was set to leave here came yet another guest. A car pulled in the reserved parking for the guests. Are you Rory ? Yes. Rory answered!

Oh Good I have reservations for 2 weeks. Oh ok, do you need help with Luggage ? Ahh, yes perhaps I do!

Can I help you Gather her things ? Blake asked with a humbled spirit! Sure. I don't see anything wrong with a guest helping a guest.

They head to the car to help the poor woman. Here we'll get that! Don't you move a finger. Blake said! Is everything in the trunk of your car ? Yes it is. She said! Thank you handsome feller. Haha.. He looked at Rory laughing. It was my pleasure. Rory looked at him as if he was the answer to her prayers. Obviously she didn't think how this could effect her relationship with Derek. She was Dawned by his fabulous look and his humbled spirit and that intoxicating smell of cologne.

They walk inside and Rory walked behind the desk! Oh Mrs. Willingham oh Please, Pishposh Call me Gloria!!!! Ok Gloria. She paused! It got quiet all of a sudden. Ok Gloria your room is just through here. So Rory grabs the keys to Gloria's room and grabs her things and they lead her to her room.

6. Gloria AKA Mrs  Willingham walked into the foyer and glanced around, her gaze darting from one area to another. " I was here, years ago " she explained.

Really ?  Rory asked surprisingly. What was it like then ? It was just a little house then. That was in back in the 80's then a friend of mine. Told me they built more on to it and made it much bigger. Now I know why. Gloria said! Every one in this town loved this place. I bet they did! Rory said with a smile on her face. I say they do now.

Well Rory, I was told by Mitzi over the phone that this place was rocking the other day without me. I hate missing a party. But she told me something that got my attention. That Star's Hollow had a new B&B and I just could not wait to experience it myself. I see why so many people said this place was off the hook and beautiful and had a wonderful intelligent and beautiful Mother and Daughter running it.

Wait you said Mitzi! You mentioned Mitzi. How do you know Mitzi ? Honey Mitzi is my sister. Gloria said! Wow Rory's jaw dropped. She never mentioned she had a sister. Everyone knows us honey. We're every where. Haha #LOL So you're up with the Trends and phone stuff. Rory Asked! Yes mam, Gloria said! Some times me and Mitzi FaceTime each other to keep up with one another. Yeah that's another way to do it. Blake looked handsome standing at the door posing as he leans with one arm against the door way and smiled at Rory. Gloria noticed this fatal attraction in the room. Ah, young love. No Gloria.. I.. WE.. RORY Hesitated!Oh no need to explain yourself Rory. I know a crush when I see it. I know you're dating the doctors son Derek.

Blake looked at Rory giving that game face like Rory was worth the fighting for. Gloria suggested they take her on a tour around the house. As Gloria walks by Blake. Oh I just love that intoxicating smell you're wearing. Well thank you Gloria and he leaned over to give her a friendly kiss on the cheek. Ah, you silly man and handsome if I may add.

" You may add " Blake added.

Please, Gloria said! And pinched his right cheek. Rory paused on the way toward the stairs and looked out over the lights of the city. " It's lovely here at night " Rory said then She added. " And the view during the day is even better " oh I know Gloria said! Just at it through the bay window. It's just lovely and angelic. The gazebo gives it a great taste don't you think ? Gloria said with a question.

Well let's go show you the kitchen. " Everything is decorated so beautifully  thank you Gloria " it now has an island in the middle of the room." Rory said! Wow an island! And you get to meet our new hired cooks and chef Sam. " Sam ? OH, Sam as in Samantha ? Sammie heard her name and noticed that voice from some where and let everyone take a break and followed the voices. She screamed with happiness that it scared everyone even Lauren and the staff servers and cooks. Gloria what are you doing here ? Oh I'm back in town darling. I have missed you so much. I missed you too darling Sammie. How's the baby ? Baby ? Rory was shocked! I didn't know you had a baby. We have a 3 year old and one on the way. How far are you ? 5 weeks. Sam added! Gloria rested her arm on Rory's shoulder. Oh my goodness Sammie. I'm so happy for you! Gloria said with a smile on her face. Congratulations and rubbed Sam's belly.

The fire crackled gently and the warmth wrapped its way around me like a soft hug. Standing there quietly, Rory build over the last couple of days and their first two guests at the Inn. Rory savored the warmth, thinking about the new life she was about to settle into.