Did You Sleep with Him?

Mo Yuanxiu looked at Lu Manman meaningfully.

What was this unpredictable woman thinking?

Lu Manman was indeed smart.

He had given her a look during the lunch banquet, which Lu Manman immediately understood. She knew that if she made Wen Yun uncomfortable in the afternoon, it would be easier to control him at night. At the same time, her act of protecting Wen Yun earlier also made it easier for him not to suspect her. What was most important was that the kiss with him in the afternoon had evidently angered Jiang Yiyao, and an angry woman was always best used.

Everything was in place.

All that was lacking was whether Lu Manman was willing to do it.

He slowly opened the door.

Inside, Wen Yun was still leaning against the couch, and the glass of water in front of him was empty.

It seemed like he had worried too much.

Lu Manman hated Wen Yun to this extent?