Exposed (1)

"What do you mean?" Gu Xin was confused.

"What I mean is that I can't get married to Wen Yun. Just wait for my wedding with Mo Yuanxiu."

"What?" Gu Xin was even more confused now.

"Silly girl, sleep early tonight. Good night." With that, Lu Manman was ready to hang up.

"Lu Manman, don't you f*cking tell me that this was all your scheme! You f*cking knew that Wen Yun is such a person and deliberately made it known to everyone else. That night, you got me to get the other families to have a drink with us and then got me to arrange for Jiang Yiyao to send Wen Yun back. That was all so that you could have something against Wen Yun and take revenge on him for his unfaithfulness?! Can you be any more two-faced?!" Gu Xin suddenly screamed.

Lu Manman laughed. "This world is too treacherous. I'm just protecting myself."

"What the hell!" Gu Xin cursed.

"Don't think about it. Sleep early."