Being Too Smart Is Not Necessarily a Good Thing

Lu Manman arrived on time at the French restaurant.

The environment in the restaurant was nice. It was quiet and elegant, with a hint of old French style. The color scheme was a little dim, but it had a lingering charm to it.

The attendant led her to a table by the window.

He was in a black suit, gray tie, and white shirt.

While holding a glass of red wine, he looked out the window at the twinkling stars above the moat. The angle of his perfect side profile was a little stiff, and his thin lips were slightly pursed. It was hard to tell if his lips were moistened by the red wine, but they seemed to glow.

She had never looked at Mo Yuanxiu so seriously in her previous life. In her impression, he was handsome but not steady, not the type of man she liked.

In this life…

She lightly bit her lip.

Her standpoint was now different, so her appreciation level had changed.