Marrying Wen Yun Is Despicable (2)

"Second Aunt, you're thinking too much! I'm not being sarcastic. What I'm saying is the truth. My mom is accompanying my dad to all sorts of high society events, and she has met more people than you. Why would you call this sarcasm? Could it be that Second Aunt has always been jealous of my mom?"

"Lu Manman!" Lan Xiaojun was losing control of her emotions as she screamed.

Lu Manman even smiled so innocently.

Lan Xiaojun was so angry she wanted to walk over and slap her a few times. But with Lu Qinzheng around, she did not dare to be too presumptuous.

"Enough!" Lu Qinzheng's stern voice was very loud.

Lan Xiaojun swallowed her anger and kept quiet. She was evidently still suppressing her anger.

Lu Manman smiled sweetly. "Grandpa, I'm still young, so I'm a little too hasty sometimes. It's really accidental that I offended Second Aunt. I believe Second Aunt wouldn't stoop to my level."