Don’t Be so High-Profile in Lu Firm (1)

Lu Manman looked around the huge office after Zhang Cui had left.

The decor was simpler and more stylish. The modern design had a hint of fashion, and it was a style she liked.

In front of the desk was a huge glass wall. Just as Xiao Tian had said, one could only see what was going on outside, but not in. Hence, she could see everything that was going on in the Marketing Department. Behind the office chair was a huge floor-to-ceiling window. Looking out, she could see the endless flow of Wen City's streets.

After looking around, she opened her laptop.

She logged into the company's website and browsed through some company's internal information and documents.

Zhang Cui soon sent her the electronic file, along with a huge pile of papers and documents. The pile filled up her desk. An hour later, she sent the employee resumes.

It was evident that Zhang Cui was a good worker. Her dad must have picked her specifically.