A Bloody Night (1)

The following morning.

The sunlight that shone through the sheer curtains seemed foreign yet familiar at the same time.

Lu Manman kept looking out the window, watching the curtains flutter as sunlight poured in through the gaps in the shadows.

"You're still not awake?" A man's voice came from behind her.

Lu Manman shut her eyes.

She was probably still dreaming.

She remembered deeply that Mo Yuanxiu had pestered her for the whole night in her dream.

It was still haunting her even now.

"If you continue sleeping, I can't guarantee that I won't wake you up in another way. But I'm sure that you won't like that method." The threat in his voice was evident, but it was also a little magnetic.

Lu Manman opened her eyes wide. At the same time, she turned over and glared at Mo Yuanxiu to scream uncontrollably. "How did I end up in your bed?!"