Teasing Two Old Foxes at the Wen Family (2)

"What?!" Lu Qinzheng exclaimed as if he hadn't seen the news.

Lu Manman had seen the update the moment she got off the car.

That's right.

The words that she and Mo Yuanxiu had said this morning had been made known to the media. Now, they were going viral, and the impact was unimaginable!

"Lu Manman, what did you do?!" Lu Qinzheng's expression changed.

"I agreed to Mo Yuanxiu's proposal." She admitted it.

"Lu Manman, are you crazy?! You agreed to Mo Yuanxiu's proposal? Are you out of your mind or mentally confused?!" He did not care about the occasion or how she felt and scolded harshly.

Lu Manman pursed her lips. "I'm perfectly fine!"

"You, you…" Lu Qinzheng was so angry he couldn't say a word.