Urgent Preparations for the Wedding (4)

Di Yi let go of Gu Xin and sat down.

"The bride will stand behind the groom."

Gu Xin followed.

"Lean on the groom's shoulder and reveal your chin," Di An said in a professional tone.

Gu Xin did as she was told.

"Okay, please look at the camera…" Di An took two photos and then continued with his interaction.

The photoshoot went much smoother than Gu Xin expected.

She had thought that at least, she and Di An would feel awkward around each other, but she had underestimated his professionalism. He treated her and Di Yi like ordinary clients.

One set after another was completed.

It was progressing very quickly.

Gu Xin was starting to wonder if Di An had filmed well.

While they were changing, she stopped for half a minute before going to Di An. "Can I take a look?"

Di An looked at her. "We don't recommend the client to see the film during filming as it might affect her performance later on."